"ASME B31.3" Piping Code Enhancements and Defects for AutoPIPE

Note: if an enhancement or defect has not been added to the program, log an Service request for that enhancement. The more requests logged per an enhancement, the quicker the CAE development team will add that feature to the program.

The following enhancements and defects have already been requested:

Feature 1063484:

Add high pressure calculation based on ASME B31.3 chapter IX method

Feature 1021924:

Add ASME B31.3 - 1996

Feature 670542:

Update ASME B31.3 - 2020

Feature 1264677:

Update ASME B31.3 - 2022


633755 - Enhancement:

Add option to switch between ASME B31.3 eq. 3a and 3b

633755 - Enhancement:

Add ASME B31.3-2016

566491 - Defect:

Add feature to specify user defined Sus In / Out plane moment index at a node point 

334683 - Defect:

Non-linear analysis is incorrectly flagging supports as lifting off

156301 - Enhancement:

B31.3 Code Fig 323.2.2B MDMT reduction based on stress ratio

138562 - Enhancement:

Add ASME B31.3-2014

121414 - Enhancement:

B31.3 Para 323 Avoiding Impact Test Requirements Warning

110599 (CAE-CR- 3268) - Enhancement:

Add fatigue analysis for ASME piping codes 

CAE-CR-10741 - Enhancement:

B31.3-2010: Add functionality for user to enter axial and torsional SIF

CAE-CR-10585 - Enhancement:

Add B31.3 2012 piping code

CAE-CR-10311 - Enhancement:

Online help for Use Alt. Occ. Allow must include a table for ASME B31.3 2010

See Also

Piping Codes Enhancements & Defects

Bentley AutoPIPE