Clean Installation - RAM Elements

Product:RAM Elements

Before doing these steps, please back up any custom sections, materials, connections, bolts, and welds as well as any user-created models. The custom sections, materials, connections, bolts, and welds are stored in the Database folder located in one of two locations below. Back up any user-created models that may be saved in the Data folder in one of the two locations below.

Version 13.0.3 and earlier:

Version 13.2.0 and later:

Important: The Database folder in C:\Program Files\Bentley\Engineering\RAM Elements\Database contains standard elements that come with the program. It does not contain any user-created custom sections, materials, connections, bolts or welds.

Select Control Panel from the Windows Start menu, and open either Add or Remove Programs (Windows XP) or Programs and Features (Windows Vista/7). Uninstall all listings for RAM Elements, starting with the most recent. If any listings for RAM Advanse are present, remove these as well.

Then, remove any RAM Elements, RAM Elements.en, RAM, or RAM Advanse folders residing in the following locations (if they exist):

Finally, reinstall RAM Elements. Restore any custom sections, materials, connections, bolts, and welds by moving the Database folder back to the RAM Elements folder located in the location below. User-created models that were previously backed up can be restored to the Data folder in the location below as well, although they can be opened from anywhere.

Version 14 and later: