When I open a file from ProjectWise server, STAAD.Pro crashes

Applies To
Environment: ALL
Area: General
Original Author:Payel Sasmal, Bentley Technical Support Group



When I open a file from ProjectWise server, STAAD.Pro crashes; when I opened the same file from my C: drive, it runs fine.




STAAD.Pro creates a number of auxiliary data files in the same folder as the STAAD model. There are instances when some of these files get locked up or get corrupted. As a result, the model may fail to open, and the software may crash.


To resolve this, try the steps as stated here:

Create a new folder in the ProjectWise server. Copy ONLY the .std file from your "C:\" into the new folder. 

Launch STAAD.Pro and try to open the model. It should open fine.

If you still cannot open the file, please create a service request.