05. AutoPIPE Stress Isometric customization - Relocate and Rotate north arrow to a different positio

Applies To
Area: Isometric
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
Feb. 2016


How to relocate north arrow to a different position & rotate to a new direction on an AutoPIPE Stress Isometric using OPIM?


Relocate to a New position

In order to relocate north arrow you have to perform following steps.

1. In AutoPIPE launch Openplant Isometric Manager from menu “File > Launch Openplant Isometric Manager”
2. Open any border file you want to modify from “[Installation Directory]\isoextractor\Borders\...” i.e. I have selected DGN\A0BORD.DGN
3. Press Settings>View Attributes
4. On View Attributes dialog select “Text Node” and close the dialog. You can see in the snapshot below

5. On top left you see North Arrow place holder along with the text nodes
6. Select the place-holder along with the text nodes

7. Now you can move the selection set to any place in the border.
8. After setting proper place close OpenPlant Isometric Manager.
9. Make sure to use the same border during export to Stress Isometric using AutoPIPE.

Rotate North Arrow

This requires a lot of manual manipulation in AutoPIPE v.11.02.xx.xx and lower OPIM versions. However, use the following process when using AutoPIPE 11.03.00.xx and higher.  

AutoPIPE v11.03.00.xx and higher

Open "style.xml" from the following folder location:

"C:\ProgramData\ Bentley\ AutoPIPE xx\ isoextractor\ projects\ project01\ stress\ Config\ style.xml"

Find the following setting under <StyleConverterSettings>


Following options can be used other than 'Y' as below:

Video of Steps to repeat:

AutoPIPE 11.02.xx.xx and lower OPIM versions. 

Log a Bentley Service Request asking for patch update. After installing the patch update, see procedure above for method to rotate the north arrow.

Limitations: This patch has only one updated border file: Cbord.DGN. Additional border files will be made available in AutoPIPE v.11.03.00.xx and higher (817423). 

See Also

Customize AutoPIPE Stress Isometric drawings

Bentley AutoPIPE