Where can i find the Installation Log for my STAAD. Pro Product?

Applies To
Product(s):STAAD.Pro Connect Edition Installation
Version(s):Connect Edition
Area:General Support Solution
Original Author:Aaradhya Rahate, Bentley Technical Support Group

When you install the application, its installation log is created. This log is saved inside C:\Users\User.Name\AppData\Local\Temp. The log file is named as <ProductName>_<YearMonthDate>*.zip. If the installation is executed multiple times, you can take the latest log.

This log file contains information about all the actions and analysis performed by the installation setup wizard. It also saves the installation commands used to install the application. In case of any error in the installation, it stores the error code. 

Providing these logs to Bentley can be helpful to troubleshoot installation errors and issues.