Application Crashed or Freezes - AutoPIPE

Symptoms and messages displayed when AutoPIPE program stops working properly:

Messaged Displayed:

Item #1: "Bentley AutoPIPE Application has stopped working" A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available.

Item #2:  "Bentley AutoPIPE Application has stopped working" Windows can check online for a solution to the problem

Item #3: Bentley AutoPIPE Application has stopped working: "A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Please close the program"

Item #4:  Program periodically freezes, toolbars disappear, and application crashes - AutoPIPE V8i

Item #5:  Bentley AutoPIPE is (NOT RESPONDING)

Item #6:  The application has failed to start because of IEGLic.dll was not found

Item #7: Microsoft Blue Screen - A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer

Item #8: Faulting module name: ntdll.dll

Item #9: AutoPIPE Report Viewer has stopped working

Item #10: Faulting application name: Bentley.Licensing.Service.exe

Crashed when performing:

Question: Is this an valid AutoPIPE model? (click here)

A. Opening a model

i. What to do when AutoPIPE crashes?

ii. Options available to recover a model that was closed before being properly saved

B. Importing / Inserting a model

C. On start-up:   

D. Computer Mouse pointer constantly shows thinking status every few moments.

Fix: confirm LMT error checking is turned OFF. see last step on WIKI page HERE.

E. Analyze> All  or Analyze> Static

F. File> Save Stress Isometric All

G. Model Consistency Check

H. Installing

I. Results> Output Report

J. Working with Input / Results grids

K. Viewing Load> Dynamic Analysis Dialog Screen

L. No specific reason

M. Copy / Pasting 

N. Modifying / Inserting Components

O. Modifying General / Edit / Results Model Options

P. Exporting Input or Result Access data base 


Also See:

Warnings, Errors, Crashed, Confirm Messages in AutoPIPE