0. Options available to recover a model that was closed before being properly saved
1. Next, can a movie be recorded / or exact steps to Reproduce the crash in AutoPIPE.
a. does this occur in all models or one specific model (send AutoPIPE APC file for review)
2. Gather Event Viewer information
a. After AutoPIPE crashed open Event Viewer application on the computer :
Press Windows+R to open the Run dialog, enter eventvwr (or eventvwr.msc) and hit OK.
b. In the window that appears, expand Windows Logs on the left sidebar, and right mouse click on Application select. Then select Clear Log option. After the dialog opens press the Clear button to clear the log file. Repeat right click and clear process on the remaining icons - Security, Setup, System, and Forward Events.
c. Start AutoPIPE and repeat the steps required to crash the application. ++Note++ Please record the screen with steps taken to crash AutoPIPE, this is very important information.
d. After the application crashes, go back to Event Viewer,
- Again right mouse click on Application,
- Select Save all Events as Log... option,
- Folder location = Desktop,
- File name = person name - Case number and press Save button
3. Gather AutoPIPE Log files
If using AutoPIPE 12.02.xx and higher, send Log files, click here
4. Gather Debug log files (ONLY perform when requested by Bentley Technical Support)
There are 2 different procedures with which to create debug log files:
a. Microsoft WinDBG program (preferred)
b. Install issues only - Microsoft Windows CMD prompt
5. File Bentley Case and attach requested files.
Attach as many of the following files to service request in a single ZIP file:
i. Screen recording of steps taken to crash the application (*.mp4)
ii. Event Viewer log files (*.evtx)
iii. AutoPIPE log file (APLog_xxxxxxxxxx.log )
iv. CMD prompt log file or WinDBG log file (*.TXT) (when requested)
Use the WIX Toolset to extract contents of AutoPIPESetup.exe file which is a WIX Burns installer
AutoPIPE crashes when installing, how to get a log file?