04. PCF Translator Version History

Excerpt from AutoPIPE Readme file:

This enclosure contains a Software Tool for converting SmartPlant, CADWorx, Autodesk Inventor, SolidWorks PCF Models into an AutoPIPE Batch Neutral File (*.NTL) which can be automatically saved as *.DAT file and opened in AutoPIPE. Bentley and Users have performed testing on a number of test models and found good translation results. Any translation issues found please log Bentley Service Request with subject “AutoPIPE - PCF translator issue” and if possible, we will fix and re-issue a patch for this translator in a timely manner.


See WIKI page here


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1. Bug 1288511: PCF import issue -Bend Radius missing.
2. Bug 1247459: [CS0020134] PCF Files won't Import
3. Bug 1220324: [CS0022621] Incorrect Flange Importing from Plant3D PCF File
4. Bug 1216617: PCF crashes when the attached model is imported
5. Bug 1170013: PCF translator - flanges placed at the weld location
6. Help Ticket 845557: PCF translator - imported PCF files from Autodesk Plant 3D works are missing components after being imported
7. Bug 1193561: PCF translator: when trying to convert a single file after merging multiple files, file only contains anchor
8. Bug 644030: PCF Translator: Component attribute2 (temperature) is causing crash due to incorrect unit value
9. Product Backlog Item 1270368: PCF Translator: Invert the entries for the Edition drop down to have the latest edition at the top
10.Bug 1304463: Update ReadMe.txt for PCFTranslator

(shipped with AutoPIPE 2023)

1. Bug 911522: PCF Translator: Missing supports from PCF File
2. Bug 868351: PCF translator close abruptly with out warning or producing a log file but works fine when using previous version of Translator.
3. Bug 910018: Reset to default settings on closing and restarting the application
4. Bug 994463: PCF Translator: Crash observed during PCF import

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1. Bug 949235: PCF Translator: Missing supports from PCF File
2. Bug 868351: PCF translator close abruptly with out warning or producing a log file but works fine when using previous version of Translator.
3. Bug 910018: Reset to default settings on closing and restarting the application
4. Bug 992679: PCF Translator: Crash observed during PCF import

(shipped with AutoPIPE CONNECT (deprecated)

 1. Build PCF Translator in 64 bit system
2. Product Backlog Item 709421: Implement independent PCF version in the build
3. Feature 645055: PCF Translator: provide a user interface for customization of mapping of component attributes to AutoPIPE properties
4. Bug 770883: PCF file aborts due to ITEM-CODE <Unset>
5. Bug 779321: ASME B31.3 2018 Option missing from latest PCF import
6. Bug 748549: Missing Supports during PCF import from CADworx
7. Bug 792878: "The parameter is incorrect" message appears with no indication about the problem location

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shipped with AutoPIPE CONNECT (deprecated)


1. Build PCF Translator in 64 bit system
2. Product Backlog Item 709421: Implement independent PCF version in the build
3. Feature 645055: PCF Translator: provide a user interface for customization of mapping of component attributes to AutoPIPE properties
4. Bug 770883: PCF file aborts due to ITEM-CODE <Unset>
5. Bug 779321: ASME B31.3 2018 Option missing from latest PCF import
6. Bug 748549: Missing Supports during PCF import from CADworx
7. Bug 792878: "The parameter is incorrect" message appears with no indication about the problem location

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1. The PCF Translator now supports custom mapping of PCF attributes to AutoPIPE properties.

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1. Prioritize schedule over wall thickness

1. Enhancement 1122364:PCF Translator: Read Flange\Valve rating and schedule related information from MATERIAL-IDENTIFIER card.
2. Enhancement 1119132:PCF Translator: Read Materials information and assign according to MATERIAL-IDENTIFIER.
3. Defect 1124380:LineNumber is incorrect while using pcf merge feature.

1. Enhancement 1119134:PCF Translator: Read support attachment id

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1. Defect 1112320:PCF Translator: Tolerance and Ignore OD fields do not retain the value.

1. Enhancement 127738:Add feature to import Revit model (PCF)
2. Defect 1088250:PCF Translator: Component attribute2 (temperature) is causing crash due to incorrect unit value

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1. Enhancement 1100621: PCF Translator: Provide an option to shift first point to origin.

1. Defect 1100514: PCF Translator: fix crash issue when importing pcf file

1. Enhancement 1093443: PCF translator: Provide flexibility to map support tag

1. Enhancement 1086879: PCF translator: provide flexibility to map item-description, and item code

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1. Defect 1056846: PCF Translator: Tolerance and Ignore OD fields are not updating when units are changed

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1. Defect 1056419: PCF Translator: text on Profile Preferences dialog is truncated
2. Defect 1056422: PCF Translator: Warning text is not complete in reset defaults only dialog
3. Defect 1056424: PCF translator: MAP file field is empty by default

1. Defect 1042664: PCF Translator: Import setting problem

1. Defect 1041178: PCF Translator: Unable to launch PCF translator dialog.

1. Enhancement 1026937: PCF Translator: Redesign GUI to make ALL the settings more visible to the user

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1. Defect 1020116: PCF Translator: Handle large coordinates
2. Enhancement 999969: PCF Translator: Add option to skip PCF Material Mapping dialog so that it does not appear again and again for invalid Item description.
3. Defect 1022025: PCF Translator: Display the full file path on mouse over

1. Defect 1004548: PCF Translator: Import bend radius as Long, short, 3D and 5D
2. Defect 1004547: PCF Translator: Remove additional weight from RIGID section.
3. Defect 263773: PCF translator cannot handle loops
4. Enhancement 999969: PCF Translator: Add option to skip PCF Material Mapping dialog so that it does not appear again and again for invalid Item description.
5. Enhancement 984371: PCF Translator: single or multiple PCF import needs an indication of what file causes import to fail

1. Defect 984345: PCF Translator: Multiple pipe IDs are created for same pipeline.
2. Enhancement 984541: PCF Translator: Add options to enable/disable rigid section for flange and include thermal expansion for all rigid.
3. Enhancement 984276: PCF translator: import olet as fittings instead of welded components
4. Defect 998519: PCF Translator: Set Euro material source to EURO instead of NS
5. Defect 998513: PCF Translator: Update schedule mapping in pcfin.map file
6. Defect 998519: PCF Translator: Set Euro material source to EURO instead of NS

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1. Enhancement 937037:Add E3D.PCF to Import PCF menu
2. Enhancement 937112: PCF Translator: provide option to map instruments different components
3. Defect 938507: PCF Translator: PCF file containing large coordinates are unable to import in metric unit system

1. Defect 893852: PCF Translator: Update materials list
2. Defect 893852: PCF Translator: Update materials list (B311-16, B313-16, B314-16, and B318-16 libraries)
3. Defect 940315: PCF Translator: Flange type is ignored during import

1. Enhancement 882801: PCF Translator: Add support for Piping Code Edition (code year)
2. Defect 882897: PCF Translator: Remove ISO 14692 and BS 7159 from Piping Code dropdown list.
3. Defect 886197: PCF Translator: Some components are not imported when PCF file contains an Olet.
4. Defect 893909: PCF Translator: Fix out of Memory/freeze issue
5. Defect 893852: PCF Translator: Update materials list (B311-16, B313-16, B314-16, and B318-16 libraries)

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1. Defect 861435: PCF Translator: Add support to extract data from multi-line item description
2. Defect 861437: PCF Translator: Pipe Schedule value is assigned to wall thickness incorrectly from item description
3. Defect 864018: PCF Translator: Bend radius is calculated incorrectly for other than 90 deg. Bend

1. Enhancement 856804: PCF Translator: Add support for saving and loading the program settings

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1. Defect 715848: PCF Translator: Add missing piping codes

1. Enhancement 737379: PCF Translator: Provide an option to review and reset component and material mappings.
2. Defect 722738: PCF Translator: Supports are not imported when model contains large coordinates and user shift first point to origin.
3. Defect 721879: PCF Translator: Update option description on PCF Translator Settings dialog.
4. Defect 721872: PCF Translator: Update copyright message.
5. Defect 472188: PCF Translator: Flange is not attached to correct side of instrument

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1. Defect 711071: PCF import should give priority to attaching flange to end points of components.
2. Defect 711075: PCF import should give priority to first or last point of the segment to attach flange.
3. Defect 721879: PCF Translator: Update option description on PCF Translator Settings dialog.
4. Defect 722738: PCF Translator: Supports are not imported when model contains large coordinates and user shift first point to origin.

1. Defect 705274: PCF Translator: Importing PCF file with flanges in wrong location

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1. Defect 686424: PCF Translator: EURO materials are not available

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1. Defect 650337: PCF Translator: Program should be to handle large coordinates by shifting first point to origin.
2. Defect 652270: PCF Translator: Program skips BEND followed by an OLET.
3. Defect 652985: PCF Translator: Unknown components are not mapped properly using component mapping dialog.

1. Enhancement 640649: PCF Translator: Map flange to a RIGID pipe with a point flange.
2. Defect 640646: PCF Translator: Program should read only 36 characters for Valve and Flange tag and 40 characters for Support tag from Item Description.
3. Enhancement 642741: PCF Translator: Pipe identifier name should contain pipe size.
4. Defect 642829: PCF Translator: Program should properly handle RIGID component with Bend.
5. Enhancement 645976: PCF Translator: Program should display component information on material mapping dialog.
6. Enhancement 645978: PCF Translator: Program should prompt user for component mapping if mapping is not defined in pcfin.map file

1. Enhancement 637537: PCF Translator: Add default settings for all support types.

1. Enhancement 632051: PCF Translator: When component item description contains a STRAINER keyword then map it to VALVE

2. Enhancement 631404: PCF Translator: Add option to ignore schedule for valves, strainers (filter), tees and use pipe schedule

a. Add Tees in ignore list

1. Defect 631158: PCF Translator: When SKEY is defined for Support then that support is imported irrespective of Thermoplastic keyword in ITEM-DESCRIPTION

2. Defect 631159: PCF Translator: 2. Program should prompt dialog to map material for PIPE only and don't prompt for Elbow, OLET, Tee and Reducer

3. Enhancement 631397: PCF Translator: Add valve type information to Valve Tag from ITEM-DESCRIPTION
4. Enhancement 631399: PCF Translator: Add flange type information to Flange Tag from ITEM-DESCRIPTION
5. Enhancement 631400: PCF Translator: Add support type information to Support Tag from ITEM-DESCRIPTION
6. Enhancement 631404: PCF Translator: Add option to ignore schedule for valves, strainers (filter), tees and use pipe schedule

1. Defect 630171: PCF Translator: Support on Bend is not attached on actual coordinates, but attached to Bend mid point.

1. Defect 619803: PCF Translator: Program is unable to import material from item description when material name is not a single word

1. Defect 612968: PCF Translator: Tolerance and Ignore OD values are not converted to metric on PCF Translator Settings dialog.

1. Read BEND_RADIUS from Bend component and assign it
2. Upgrade material mapping file to include SPEC materials

1. Read support Tag from support data
2. Add an option to read Line Number from "PIPELINE-REFERENCE" data in header

1. During component overlap reduce priority of MISC components and Instruments
2. Read Flange thickness from Item description

1. Read wall thickness from Item description and item code description

1. Enhancement 506092: PCF Translator: Ignore supports when item description contains key words like ATTA, COMMENT etc.

a. If NONE is present in mapping file, then give him precedence over SKEY mapping for 2 point supports only

2. Defect 556066: PCF Translator: Map 2 point support accordingly if found in PCFin.map

a 2 point support map to single point support if mapping matches in item description.

1. Enhancement 541129: PCF Translator: On PCF Material Mapping dialog, program should display material based on material library selected.

1. Enhancement 536944: PCF Translator: Program should prompt user to map PCF material provided in item description to AutoPIPE material.

1. Defect 528004: PCF Translator: Program unable to get pipe schedule and materials from item description.
2. Defect 528005: PCF Translator: Program is unable to properly handle overlapping bends.

1. Enhancement 506092: PCF Translator: Ignore supports when item description contains key words like ATTA, COMMENT etc.
2. Defect 506099: PCF Translator: Signal support on Tee point is imported twice.
3. Defect 506103: PCF Translator: PCF Translator: Pipe run or supports are ignored when two-point support is overlapping any pipe run

1. Enhancement 472175: PCF Translator: When support item description contains the word u-bolt, support should be mapped to a guide in AutoPIPE.

2. Defect 472188: PCF Translator: Flange is not attached to correct side of instrument
3. Defect 472189: PCF Translator: Disable F1 key

1. Enhancement 448463: PCF Translator: Add support to convert left hand coordinate system to right hand coordinate system
2. Defect 448473: PCF Translator: Flange is not imported correctly with components when retain flange length option is unchecked

1. #390010: Add support for two endpoint supports while importing PCF file
2. #394331: Add an option to add/ignore anchors at free ends.

3. This includes enhanced handling for the support card with more than one connection points. Following logic is introduced

a. If both end points of a support are the same coordinate, it is imported as a point support
b. If only one end point of the support is found but the other point is not found (coordinate search), it is imported as a point support
c. If both end points of the support are found, we place a tie link support between the 2 points

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1. Defect 327902: PCF Translator: Translator freezes while importing PCF file.

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1. Enhancement 145500 PCF Translator has been improved to ignore components with OD smaller than a given threshold ignored

1. Defect 213501: PCF Translator: Bolts should be handled properly to avoid program crash

(shipped with AutoPIPE V8i

1. Enhancement 145500: PCF Translator: Ignore any component which has an OD smaller than a given threshold

(shipped with AutoPIPE V8i

1. PCF Translator: Add Olet and disconnected branches handling
2. #11117 PCF Translator: Flange is imported in wrong direction on near/far points of bend

(shipped with AutoPIPE V8i

1. #11126 PCF Trans: Issue in importing multiple files repeatedly using Merge File option

1. #11115 NTL Import: Wrong flange length is imported if length is not specified in NTL
2. #11117 PCF Translator: Flange is imported in wrong direction on near/far points of bend
3. #11126 PCF Trans: Issue in importing multiple files repeatedly using Merge File option

1. #11101 PCF Translator truncates pressure value
2. #11102 PCF Translator: Supports are not imported in specified direction

(shipped with AutoPIPE V8i

1. #11080 PCF Translator does not import supports if axis mapping is other than default

  1. #11048 PCF Translator: Program should remove overlapping part of a component. 

 We have added a new option to remove the overlapping part of a component. This option is by default on. The option to ignore overlapping component and remove part of component are naturally exclusive of each other so if one is enabled, other becomes disabled.

User is also warned of the affect in the log as shown below.

Note: Please make sure that you uninstall your previous PCF Translator before installing this - as this installer detects if PCFIn.map file is modified on your machine and then it does not replace/update it.

   1. #11014 PCF Translator: Point names of 4 characters may cause import to fail

(shipped with AutoPIPE V8i

   1. #10056 Add feature to batch process multiple PCF files into one DAT file.
   2. #10938 PCF Translator: Add support to fetch pipe size (OD) if specified in fraction

   1. #10882 PCF Translator: Add an option to ignore overlapping components.
   2. Add support to define PCF to AutoPIPE coordinates mapping.
   3. #10887 PCF Translator: Move Toler., flange length, Ignore options to Tools>Setting dlg

   1. #10862 PCF Translator: Add an option to ignore continuation components.
   2. #10866 PCF Translator:Overlapping comp. report should be displayed at the end on dialog.

   1. #10791 PCF Translator: Temperature is incorrectly imported 
   2. #10792 PCF Translator: Corrosion allowance is not imported from PCF file.
   3. #10793 PCF Translator: Wrong values of insul. density & specific gravity are imported.
   4. #10794 PCF Translator: Pipe schedule is not imported from PCF file.
   5. #10835 PCF Translator: Program does not import support whose SKEY is ANCH.
   6. #10854 PCF Translator: Fetch material from Item Code > Description.
   7. #10856 PCF Import: segment connectivity issues with >1 incoming pipes.
   8. #10862 PCF Translator: Add an option to ignore continuation components.
   9. #10855 PCF Translator: Add new piping codes, Material and Component libraries.

   1. #10056 Add feature to batch process multiple PCF files into one DAT file.

a) Added support to convert multiple PCF files of same unit system into one DAT model.
b) If multiple PCF files are selected and the unit system of selected PCF files are different then program will show a report which contains file name , units-bore, units cords and units weight.

   1. Move PCF Translator business logic into separate Dll

   1. Ignore duplicate components while generating NTL file.
   2. Added support to detect overlapping components and notify the user that NTL conversion aborted due to overlapping components.

   1. Fixed unit conversion problem in PCF connection tolerance
   2. Fixed an inaccurate distance calculation problem between 2 points

   1. Fixed issues with connection tolerance
   2. Added support to import Flex Joint Component 
   3. Retain PXF/PCF flange length 
   4. Added support to import cross component

   1. Add support to import Line Number and Line Class

   1. Connect disconnected segments if the gap is less than/ equal to tolerance value
   2. Tolerance can be changed from PCFIN.MAP file

   1. Add support to read UCI(Universal Component Identifier ) from each component and write in NTL as UUID tag.

   1. Improved bend radius calculation routine to calculate radius using both near, far points of elbow and use the minimum radius of the two

   1. Introduced some tolerance in coordinates while connecting components in a line

   1. Fixed supports import problem introduced in ver onwards

   1. Fixed wrong pipe and material assignment to run points following bends
   2. Change application name from Smart Pant Translator to PCF Translator.
   3. Search flange rating in ITEM-Code description as well if no rating found in ITEM-DESCRIPTION

   1. Fixed issue with pressure value in the NTL card which was not exported on correct position. This could result in incorrect value of 
pressure imported to AutoPIPE if the value is greater then 99.

   1. Added support to ignore tab characters to solve issues with reading pcf files containing tab characters

   1. Pipe schedule mapping table added to pcfin.map
   2. Search ITEM DESCRIPTION for a matching schedule with the mapping table. If no match found then use default schedule in the table

   1. Default material library
   2. A new drop down list to select a version of AutoPIPE installed to open the translated file
   3. Multiple PCF files selection for translation in one go
   4. Bug Fixed: There was problem reading Outside diameter for OLets
   5. Shortcut is created under a new program group Programs> Bentley AutoPIPE Translators > SmartPlant Translator

   1. Zero length components are ignored

   1. Added Component mapping of "FILTER “to "PIPE"
   2. Piping Code, Material Library and Component Library drop downs added
   3. Pressure rating is being searched from ITEM-DESCRIPTION; in previous version pressure ratting was fetched from 2nd position of comma separated ITEM-DESCRIPTION

   1. Added command line support (batch processing)
   2. Bend radius clearance issue resolved (round off problem)
   3. Negative OD is handled. Now translator takes an absolute of the OD value.

   1. Loop between two components detected and hang issue fixed

   1. File Opening issue fixed  if the folder name has ".pcf" in it
   2. Olet at branch is always treated as a new segment
   3. Zero Length Pipe are skipped and not written to ntl
   4. Modified Support Mapping "01HG" to "GUID"
   5. Added Component mapping of "UNION" to "PIPE"
   6. Added [UNITS-COORDINATES] mapping of MM-HUNDREDTHS To "30480"

   1. Point ID for disconnected components was not setup correctly

   1. Flange rating e.g. CL300 was not being set in the NTL, even though mapping defined in PCFin.map
   2. Flanges were placed separate instead of mating
   3. Vent pipe created in same segment as the header instead of a new segment

See Also

PCF Translator Issues

Bentley AutoPIPE