Q. What is the best way to install / deploy Bentley AutoPIPE CONNECT via SCCM package when the appli

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Environment: N/A
Area: Install
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
Apr. 2016


AutoPIPE CONNECT product is being packaged for deployment via SCCM in the our environment.

1. What is the best way to package CONNECT edition apps. The CONNECTION Client application 10.4.21 has already been packaged for a separate deployment.

2. For AutoPIPE CONNECT when manually installed it shows the CONNECTION Client as So for creating a deployment package for this CONNECT app (and others) can the CONNECTION Client piece be removed and installed later via the separate CONNECTION Client package?

3. Or should the app be left as is and just install the CONNECTION Client along side the CONNECT app so that the newer version of CONNECTION Client is used?

4. Can you identify the msi for CONNECTION Client or is it embedded within another msi ?

The goal is to maintain only one version of CONNECTION Client in our environment.


CONNECTION client has a bootstrapper of it's own and is bundled in our AutoPIPE install bundle. There is logic in place to check if a newer version of CONNECTION Client is already installed and skip installation.

Therefore, AutoPIPE installer will only install CONNECTION client if there is none already on the machine or if there is an older version (which will be upgraded/replaced).

MSI contents of our bootstrapped Setup.exe and installed these. As long as all pre-requisites are installed on the machine to run, this should be ok. See listed pre-requisites below. (confirm release notes for update files and versions). 

- .Net 3.5

- .Net 4.5.1

- MSXML 6.0

- VC 2008 Redistributable (v9.0.30729.17)

- VC 2008 4148 Redistributable (v9.0.30729.4148)

- VC 2008 SP1 Redistributable (v9.0.30729.5677)

- VC 2005 SP1 MFC Security Update Redistributable

- AutoPIPE Preview Handler



1. check current version of the program here before deploying to be sure that the most up to date version is installed. 

2. Suggest to create a Deployment image for use on computers with no internet connection or security requirements preventing using the internet when installing a program.

See Also

Performing a silent installation

Bentley AutoPIPE