03. Piping Codes Enhancements & Defects for AutoPIPE

Note: if an enhancement or defect has not been added to the program, log an Service request for that enhancement. The more requests logged per an enhancement, the quicker the CAE development team will add that feature to the program.

Select one of the following piping codes to see the enhancements and defects that have been logged for inclusion into a future version of AutoPIPE:  

  1. ASEM B31.1 
         Power Piping

  2. ASME B31.3
         Process Piping

  3. ASME B31.4 & Chpater IX
         Liquid Transportation Systems for Hydro-carbons, Liquid Petroleum Gas, Anhydrous Ammonia, & Alcohols
         Offshore Liquid Piping Systems

  4. ASME B31.5
         Refrigeration Piping and Heat Transfer Components

  5. ASME B31.8 & Chapter VIII
         Gas Transmission & Distribution Piping Systems
         Offshore Gas Transmission

  6. ASME B31.11
    Slurry Transportation Piping Systems
  7. ASME B31.12
        Hydrogen Piping and Pipelines standard

  8. ASME B31E
          Standard for the Seismic Design and Retrofit of Above-Ground Piping Systems

  9. ASME B31G
         Manual for Determining the Remaining Strength of Corroded Pipelines

        Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Rules for Construction of Nuclear Power Plant Components Division 1,
        Subsection NB, Class 1, 2, & 3 Components

  11. ASME NM
        -1 Thermoplastic Piping Systems,
        -2 Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting-Resin Piping Systems
        -3 Specifications for nonmetallic materials
        As of Jan 2020, ASME NM is not yet adopted by the B31 committees

  12. BS806
        Design and Construction of Ferrous Piping Installations For and In Connection with Land Boilers
  13. BS7159
         Design and Construction of Glass Reinforced Plastics (GRP) Piping Systems for Individual Plants or Sites

  14. BSI PD8010
         British Standards Institution
         PD 8010-1: Code of practice for pipelines - Part 1: Steel pipelines on land
         PD 8010-2: Code of practice for pipelines - Part 2: Subsea pipelines
         PD 8010-3: Code of practice for pipelines - Part 3: Guide to application of pipeline risk 
         PD 8010-4: Code of practice for pipelines - Part 4: Code of practice for integrity management
         PD 8010-5: Code of practice for pipelines - Part 5: GUIDE TO OPERATIONALPRACTICE
  15. CSA 289
         Canadian Standards Association, General Requirements for Seismic Qualification of CANDU Nuclear Power Plants

  16. CAN/CSA-Z662 & section 11
         Canadian Standards Association, Oil and Gas Pipeline Systems
         Canadian Standards Association, Offshore Steel Pipelines
  17. DLT
        China Electric Power industry standard
  18. DNV
         Norwegian Piping Code, Rules for Submarine Pipeline Systems
  19. EN1991
         EN 1991: Actions on structures
  20. EN13480 
    EN 13480 European Standard for Metallic Industrial Piping
  21. EN13941
         Design and installation of preinsulated bonded pipe systems for district heatin
  22. EN14161
         Petroleum and Natural Gas industries - Pipeline Transportation systems
  23. General
         General Piping Code
  24. GOST

           Russian National Standards

  25. IGE/TD/12
         United Kingdom Pipework stress analysis for gas industry plant
         As of July 2021, this code has not been added (748511), please log an Idea and / or Service Request
  26. ISO 14692
         Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries, Glass-Reinforced Plastics (GRP) Piping
  27. JSME S NC1-PPC
    Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME) Rules on Design and Construction for Nuclear Power Plants, Class 2 Piping
  28. KHK Level 1 & 2
         KHK E 012 Japanese Piping Code for Seismic Loads, Level 1 & 2
  29. MITI501
         Technical Standards for Construction of Nuclear Power Plant Components - MITI Notification No. 501
  30. PED - European Pressure Equipment Directive 
  31. RCC-M
         French Piping Code for Power Industry
  32. RD 10-249-98
            Russian Regulatory Documents -  Strength Analysis Code For Land Based Boilers, Steam And Hot Water Pipelines
  33. SNCT
         French Piping Code for Process Industry, ( French CODETI Div.1 code publish by SNCT)

  34. SNiP
         Russian Trunk Pipelines Code  

  35. SPC
         Swedish Piping Code, Code for Piping in Stationary Plants (Stress Analysis - Method 2)

  36. STOOMWEZEN (D1101)
         Dutch Piping Rule D1101 of the Rules for Pressure Vessels

  37. TBK5-6
         Norwegian Pressure Vessel Committee, General Rules for Piping Systems

  38. CAE-CR-3582: Apply 2 or more piping codes in the same calculation 

         Fixed version: TBD

    Workaround: Suggest analyzing the model or creating multiple models each one using a different piping code. Then select, review, and print the output for just the applicable run of pipe per the required code.

    Example, run analysis using ASME NB Nuclear piping code, select the node points that must be analyzed per ASME NB code, create an output report "Limit results to highlighted points", and repeat above steps after selecting a different piping code, etc...

See Also

AutoPIPE Enhancements Requests and Logged Defects

Bentley AutoPIPE