Applies To | |
Product(s): | AutoPIPE |
Version(s): | All |
Area: | Installation |
Date Logged & Current Version | Jan 2024 |
How to install AutoPIPE without updating existing version of Bentley Connection Client already installed on the computer?
Start by following these steps:
1. Use instructions to extract MSI files and prerequisites from the AutoPIPE's setup file acquired from Bentley Software downloads from the wiki How to perform a direct MSI installation of AutoPIPE v.11 and Higher?
The folder should contain a list of files similar to the following (note, version number may change but the essential steps remain the same).
Delete Connection Client installer from this listing

2. Note, "Setup_iTwinAnalyticalSynchronizerx64_xxx" is also a package of various MSI Files along with it’s own Bentley Connection client executable. To avoid this EXE file from also updating Connection Client, extract the files from this EXE using the following steps below:
- Must run Windows' CMD command as an Administrator,. Locate the CMD command, right mouse click on the icon, and choose

- Change the drive location to folder location where the setup "Setup_iTwinAnalyticalSynchronizerx64_xxx" file is located. As shown below.
For e.g. user desktop - "c:\User\username\Desktop"

- Type the setup file name to be extracted and “/ layout “. For e.g.: "c:\User\username\Desktop>Setup_iTwinAnalyticalSynchronizer_xxx.exe /layout

- iTwin Analytical Synchronizer Dialog box will appear accept the terms and condition and press OK button:

- Suggest to select the radio button for "Full Ui Mode" and press Next button.

- In next dialog box click on “Layout”. And click on “Finish”.

- The application will not start extracting the files to the designated folder location:

- In a moment the application will finish the extraction process, press the Finished button.

- Open deployment image location specified in step #5 above, by default “C:\BentleyDownloads\iTwin Analytical Synchronizer xxx”.
- Find all the extracted files.

- Both x64 and x86 installations are included in the extracted files. For AutoPIPE x64 edition installation, delete the following applications from the folder.
- Setup_iTwinAnalyticalSynchronizerx64_xxx
- SPCSetup.
- vc_redist.x86
- Setup_CONNECTIONClientx64_xxx
- Leaving the following files:

- Copy these files to the folder where AutoPIPE EXE file was extracted.
Note, there maybe a few duplicate files flagged during the copy/paste process, keep the most recent edition of the duplicate file.

- This is a comprehensive collection of files for deploying updates to AutoPIPE. However, please note that it will not install or update the already installed Connection Client version on your computer. To proceed, please install all the files individually, starting with the following files first:
a.) SSCERuntime_x64-ENU.msi
b.) SPCx64.msi
Watch the Video recording given below of the stepwise procedure to perform installation of AutoPIPE without Bentley Connection client.
See Also
Direct MSI installation of AutoPIPE
Performing a silent installation
Bentley AutoPIPE