- Collect and Analyze License Client Logs

If all else fails, then Bentley will need to look at the associated log files that are generated by the License Service and the License Client.  These will usually enable us to quickly determine the area where something may have not worked as expected.  Searching near the end of the appropriate log files and searching for keywords like "error" can be helpful in resolving unknown issues.

​Collect Log Files

Generally, it's good to collect the logs from all of these locations.  To facilitate that, CONNECTION Client delivers a tool that will grab the files from all of these locations and zip them up into one file for easier hand-off.

1. Open Windows' tray application icons, find Bentley Connection Client, open it, and log in

2. Select the bubble in the top right corner of the application, and pick Log Collector from the drop down listing.

3. Press the "Collect" button

4. Enter a file name

Suggest using the File name = case number - data - License Log file

Example: CS0151063 - 2024-12-25 - License Log file

5. Close the program

6. Send ZIP file to Bentley for review. 

All of the associated log files are located under

1. License Service Log:

Specifically, BeLicSvc.log and all the numbered variations of that file name

Location: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Bentley\Licensing\Logs\

2. Client Logs:

the log file with the process ID in which the issue occured

Location: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Bentley\FeatureTracking\


Specifically Bentley.Connect.Client.exe.log and all of the numbered variations of that file name

Location: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Bentley\Logs\

4. Crash Reports:

Location: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Bentley\CrashReports\

Client logs in FeatureTracking folder

 This directory includes log files written by the Bentley.entliclib.dll file.  There may be several files that are named in the following pattern:


This file contains client-side logs.  These consist of all logging that happens in the Bentley.entliclib.dll prior to calling into the License Service.

PPPP - represents the process ID of the process that loaded Bentley.entliclib.dll

YYMMDD - represents the date when the log was created

XXXXXXXX - represents a timestamp when the log was created

Note: Turn On Client Logging

Client logging to turned off by default.  ​In order to be able to analyze the client logs, the user must turn on logging and reproduce the issue.  The preferred method is to run the Bentley Licensing Tool that is installed with the License Client.  You can launch it from the Windows search using the text "Bentley Licensing Tool".  It can also be run directly from the License Client install directory at "%COMMONPROGRAMFILES%\Bentley Shared\CONNECT License Client\Bentley.Licensing.LicenseTool.exe".​​

  1. From the main menu, select Tools -> Options
  2. Select the "Error Logging" tab
  3. Turn on logging by selecting the "On" radio button under "Client Logging" group
  4. Select Ok to change the setting
  5. Exit the Licensing Tool

Note: Turn OFF Client Logging when done with investigation

See Also

How to collect and submit logs - Entitlement's team KB.

Licensing Failed 


Bentley AutoPIPE