Applies To | |
Product(s): | AutoPIPE |
Version(s): | ALL; |
Area: | Import |
Date Logged & Current Version | Jan 2024 |
The following appears in the *.MSG file when importing a caesar file, why?
This is caused when a tee is configured for a location that AutoPIPE cannot physically place a TEE because of an internal component connection based on the CII configuration. Essentially a Tee or branch connection cannot be inserted on any AutoPIPE component other than pipe run. Exampled of AutoPIPE components that DO NOT support Tee / Branch fittings: Bend, Valve, Reducer, Flange, Nozzle. Placing a Tee / branch component will cause the file not to open in AutoPIPE.
There are 2 different solution to this problem:1. Fix the CII file or 2. Fix the AutoPIPE converted NTL file
Option #1:
a. Open the CII file in any word processing program.
b. Search for the location indicated in the error message
c. See attached file for CII file format details
d. In the element section, move up a few elements and hand sketch the elements down and past the indicated point.
e. Review the other section to verify correct settings (i.e. is the tee at the intersection point, is the bend radius correct, pipe diameter, etc..
In one reported model, the SIF & TEES section had a intersection point that had the wrong name. Modify the tee intersection point with the correct name an file is able to be imported without any errors.
Option #2:
a. In the same folder as the CII file, during the import process AutoPIPE created a NTL file. Open NTL file in Word Editor (ex. Notepadd ++, Ultraedit, etc. )
b. From abort MSG text file see the error message, the line above starts with Tee, note the number just after Tee, ex. 7020
c. Search the file for all occurrences of this this value,
d. Evaluate all occurrences and fix the offending problem
1. Use AutoPIPE help > Batch commands text to understand the syntax / configuration of the information given.
2. When not sure how to handle a section of the NTL file, delete the text, save file with a new NTL file name, try to import the file, if abort occurs again, repeat steps above as needed.
Bentley TSG - scenarios |
Scenario #1:
Following error shown when importing a model.
Text found in converted NTL file:
Starting on line 1402 of the NTL text file:
With the Batch card help information one can read that a new segment starts at node point 6700, run component from 6700 - 7010 with rigid properties, followed by another run component to node point 7020, valve from 7020 - 7030, valve from 7030 - 7040.
Question: Why can a Tee not be placed at node point 7020?
Answer: As mentioned above, AutoPIPE components cannot have a tee / branch connection.
This may have been a pressure sensing line attached to the valve's flange. After the model has been opened in AutoPIPE, select the valve's node point, insert a new segment a short distance away continue modeling the pipe/tubing. Go back to the vale's node point insert a connected anchor to the new segment created.
Resolution, Delete the corresponding Tee SIF card (del or REM line 2428 of this file),
save the file, and open NTL file in AutoPIPE.
Zoom to node 7020:
CII Import Issues and FAQ's with AutoPIPE