CSA S16-09/14/19 ignores user provided shear areas for UPT ISECTION and UPT WIDE FLANGE

First Affected Commercial Version:
 First affected QA&R Version:
Fixed and Released in Version:
 Area: Steel Design as per CSA S16-09/14/19
 Issue #:1037816

Problem Description

While designing a UPT ISECTION and UPT WIDE FLANGE profile to CSA S16-09/14/19, the program
ignores the user-provided shear areas and calculates them internally. As a result, the shear capacity and
shear ratio are evaluated based on the program-calculated shear area values and not in accordance with
the user provided ones. This may lead to unconservative results if the program-calculated shear area
values are greater than the user provided values.

The issue occurs when all of the following are true on the design of a given member:

1) the member is assigned with a UPT ISECTION or UPT WIDE FLANGE profile
2) shear areas specified in the upt are less than the program-calculated values for the profiles 
3) the member is designed to CSA S16-09/14/19 codes


No workaround is available as of now for this defect.


The defect will be addressed in the next commercial release of STAAD.Pro.