Modeling Approaches in AutoPIPE

Modeling Approaches

**Attention** Please see the following AutoPIPE help section:

Help > Contents> Contents Tab> Modeling Approaches> Modeling Approaches>

This help has been provided in order to give users ideas for modeling typical piping arrangements. The steps shown in each example should not be taken as the only method available to create models. In addition, the intent of the examples is to present ways to create adequate models of specific piping components for analytical purposes.       

a. Anchor h. Bends
b. Cuts: Cold Spring    i. Flexible Joints 
c. Frames j. Hangers 
d. Nozzles   k. Pipes
e. Reducers   l. Rotating Equipment
f. Supports  m. Tees 
g. Valves  n. Vessels

Example Systems

In order to aid users in modeling more complex piping arrangements. Please see the following AutoPIPE help section: 

Help > Contents> Contents Tab> Modeling Approaches> Example Systems

Choose from the following topics:

    i. PipeSOIL Interaction: Transition Example

    ii. Water Hammer (Time History) Example

    iii. Steam Relief (Time History) Example

    iv. Harmonic Analysis Example

Supplemental Documentation

In addition, with AutoPIPE V8i 09.06.xx.xx and higher, other example systems / tutorials documents can be found under Help> Contents> Contents Tab> Supplemental Documentation> select the document "Supplemental Documentation"  scroll down the document to see a list of PDF files available.

Modeling In AutoPIPE:

The following list contains detailed information about specialized modeling techniques with AutoPIPE:

1. Piping:

a. Different Types of PIPING (i.e. Coated, Corroded, Corrugated, Jacketed, etc...)

b. Different Types of PIPING Components (i.e Tee, Bend, Reducer, Flange, Flexible / Expansion Joint, Slip Joint,  Ball and Socket, Valve, etc..)

c. Non-metallic Plastic Piping (i.e. Plastic, PVC, PP, PPR, HDPE, PE, FRP, GRP, etc.)

d. Ring Main (circular header)

e. Long PipeLines

f. Different Types of PIPING Routings (i.e. By-Pass, Join 2 pipe runs, etc..)

g. Model Coils of a tank

2. Offshore and Underground Piping

a. Subsea (Underwater) Piping

b. Offshore Piping per BS8010 or CSAZ662 section 11 Piping Codes

c. Soil Properties (Underground Piping)

3. Equipment , Supports, and Structure

a. Rotating Equipment (Pumps, Compressor, Turbine)

b. Vessels/ Nozzle

c. Supports & Beam (Frames)

d. Anchors 

4. Load:

Note: select here for additional information on different types of loads that can be applied to a model

a. Seismic Analysis

b. Buckling

c. Slug flow

d. Concentrated Forces

e. Wind

f. Vacuum Piping

g. Fluid / Gas Density

h. Thermal type load cases

i. Pump / Compressor (Oscillating) Vibration

j. Flow (Oscillating) Vibration

k. Blast Loading

l. Cut short / Cut long

m. Cryogenic piping

n. Creep Analysis

o. Smart Pig going thru the Pipeline

p. Input node point displacement / acceleration from field data

q. Counterweight - model as a additional weight with offsets as needed

r. Relief Valve thrust force

s. Thrust via a flowing fluid (i.e. impulse-momentum change equation)

t. Piping on a ship, Rig, or FPSO

u. Pressure Drop and/or Flow Rate

v. Heat tracing

5. Commands:

a. Cut / Copy / Paste / Rotate / Move / Stretch commands

b. Convert Point to: (Run, Bend, Tee) command

c. Delete command

6. Miscellaneous Modeling Techniques

a. Account for piping beyond scope of work area

b. Apply More Than 1 Piping Code

c. Liquid (water) / gas (foam or air) Fire Protection piping system

d. Vaporization / boiling of liquid in pipe that causes a pressure wave to travel up the line

e. Pipe riser (vertical pipe) to correctly account for GR weight on each floor support

f. Modeling an human access port in a pipe

g. Using load case displacement as a new starting point for analysis

h. Model Node point shared between models

i. Miss-aligned piping

j. Lifting and Transporting

k. Piping not aligned with the global axis

l. Guidance for modelling Bell and Spigot type joint

m. How to model piping system in which upper pipe is supported on lower pipe?

n. How to model underground valves using Autopipe?


7. Scenarios

a. Hot tapping a pipeline under operating condition, stresses in system after plant shutdown

b. Joule–Thomson effect due to pressure

See Also