"Stress isometric generation failed. Errors occurred while generating DGN file(s)"... message appear

Applies To
Date Logged
& Current Version
Oct 2023


The following message dialog appears when trying to view a Stress iso drawing in OPIM. 

OpenPlant Isometric Manager Utility
Stress isometric generation failed. Errors occurred while generating DGN file(s)


Why doe this occur and how to avoid it?


There can be one or many reasons why a stress isometric drawing is not being generated. See WIKI here for list of passible reasons. Please investigate each reason listed, building upon each of the previous reasons until the end were all reasons have been incorporated all at the same time. 

If you have tried all of the remedies at once and the issue is still not fixed, open a Bentley Case, reference this WIKI, and state that you have tried every known remedy and the problem is still not resolved. 

See Also

OpenPlant Isometric Manager Utility messages

Bentley AutoPIPE