03. How to reset my Profile Preferences for AutoPIPE?

Applies To
Area: Settings
Date Logged
& Current Version
April. 2018


How to reset my Profile Preferences for AutoPIPE?


Option #1

1. Close all but one instance of AutoPIPE before before continuing below.

2. Open Preferences dialog - click here.

3. Press "Reset Defaults" and press OK.


a. See AutoPIPE help for complete details on this dialog.

b. The reset defaults option dialog restores the files in User Profile folder and Program Data folder to their default state. This may be a requirement after installing / updating the software beyond the initial installation. 

c. Again, users may want to backup their Profile Preference folders if they contain customize files (ex. mapping files, material libraries, isometric settings, *.ini files, etc..), 

This is easily accomplished by first closing all AutoPIPE applications, pressing the Explore button for each Path and renaming the folder to a slightly different name. 

Example: press the Explore button for "User Profile Path",  note the current folder name = "AutoPIPE CONNECT v12", rename folder to "Custom - AutoPIPE CONNECT v12"

Starting AutoPIPE will automatically regenerate the necessary profile folders. Then if required, move customized files as needed from one folder to the next, remember to be vigilant during this process to place files in their correct location.

4. Enable / Disable features as needed, and press OK to continue. 

5. After Resetting Profile Preference folders, restart AutoPIPE. 

Option #2

1. Close all instances of AutoPIPE before continuing below.

2. Delete the AutoPIPE folder mentioned in both the User Profile path and Program Data path of the Profile Preference dialog.

3. After deleting the folders, restart AutoPIPE. 

See Also

Profile Preferences

Settings - AutoPIPE

Bentley AutoPIPE