01.Critical and High issues logged in AutoPIPE:

Last Update: Jan 2025

ID Title Severity First Affected Build State Released In
1537139 API 610 Pumps: Vertical non-in-line pumps may pass despite nozzle loads exceeding the allowable loads 1 - Critical 9.4.1 Done
1536259 Input Grid: Changing support type from hanger to non-hanger does not zero out cold load 1 - Critical 8.5.0 Done
1527965 Flange Analysis: Inconsistent methodology for calculation of Large End Hub Thickness and Small End Hub Thickness of JIS Slip-On Flanges 1 - Critical 9.4.0 New  
1511714 ASME NM2: Axial stress produced by the axial force may be incorrectly added to longitudinal pressure stress 1 - Critical 24.00.01 Done
1509478 Flange Analysis: Incorrect DIN and JIS flange dimensions may lead to unconservative stress results for Non-Nuclear codes 1 - Critical 9.4.0 Done
1488126 Incorrect Forces and Moments results for SAM cases for models with B31J enabled 1 - Critical 11.03.00 Done
1437177 ASME Flange Analysis: Incorrect dimensions in Flange Dimensions Library may lead to unconservative stress results 1 - Critical 9.4.0 Done
1382809 Converting a Close Miter bend to a Wide Miter bend through Input Grid may result in incorrect SIF and Flexibility Factor 2 - High 8.5.0 Done 24.00.00
1380817 Flexible Joint Report erroneously attempts to use deflections from Mass Point 2 - High 23.00.00 Done 24.00.00
1376192 Misconfigured ASME B31J tees may use incorrect SIF and flexibility values for stress results 1 - Critical 11.03.00 Done 24.00.00
1369621 Sustained stress may be reported incorrectly for tee legs under axial compression/tension 2 - High 23.00.01 Done 24.00.00
1353599 BinaryFormatter in .NET is obsolete and insecure, it should not be used 2 - High 11.00.00 Done 24.00.00
1350378 Incorrect standard material referenced for SCPH21 in AUTOJSME library 2 - High 12.08.00 Done 24.00.00
1339114 Butt Weld incorrect SIF calculation in B31.1 1986 2 - High 09.02.00 Done 24.00.00
1334862 ASME B31.4(B31E) & B31.8: Opening older models created between v12.7 & v12.8.4 in v23.00 may give incorrect SIF/stress results  2 - High 23.00.00 Done 24.00.00
1326943 EN 13480 2017+2021 add: Occasional stress is missing axial stresses considerations for dynamic loads 1 - Critical 23.00.00 Done 23.00.01
1307828 Security Vulnerability (CVE-2023-31038): Update Power Platform (v23.00.01) - Same info as 1276955 2 - High 12.08.00 Done 23.00.01
1304731 Forces and Moments for Dynamic and SAM load case(s) may be incorrectly used for tee stress calculations 1 - Critical 6.3.0 Done 23.00.01
1302846 Stoomwezen: Occasional load margin for thermal allowable may not be calculated correctly 1 - Critical 6.3.0 Done 23.00.01
1293450 EN13480: Welded and Contour tees may use incorrect equation to calculate SIF values 1 - Critical 9.4.0 Done 23.00.01
1276955 Security Vulnerability (CVE-2023-31038): Update Power Platform (v12.08.05)- Same info as 1307828 2 - High 12.08.00 Done 12.08.05
1276201 EN 13480 (2017 + 2021 addenda): In-Plane SIF for Fitting Tee is calculated incorrectly  1 - Critical 23.00.00 Done 23.00.01
1275135 ASME B31.4: Longitudinal Pressure term may not get added to sustained stress 2 - High 9.6.0 Done 23.00.01
1271284 Security Vulnerability (CVE-2018-9466): Update Power Platform (v12.08.05) - Same info as 1076560 2 - High 12.08.00 Done 12.08.05
1265695 Ultimate Force Gap inputs for an Incline Support may incorrectly get linked to existing Incline Supports in the model 1 - Critical 12.07.00 Done 23.00.01
1216775 Flexible Joint subreport incorrectly considers load reactions outside of the flexible joint 2 - High 23.00.00 Done 23.00.01
1200626 ASME B31.4 2019 does not allow B31J SIF capabilities for B31J reducers 2 - High 23.00.00 Done 23.00.01
1197360 Flexible Joint Report: Coordinate Transformation of Displacements is not done correctly 2 - High 23.00.00 Done 23.00.01
1175721 ASME B31E: Operating load case is incorrectly assigning analysis set properties 2 - High 23.00.00 Done 23.00.01
1123428 Security Vulnerability (CVE-2023-0286): Update Power Platform 2 - High 23.00.00 Done 23.00.01
1094104 ASME material libraries: Density values for certain standard pipe materials may be inaccurate 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done 23.00.01
1093311 Rigid Length of a beam is not correctly used for its stiffness calculations 1 - Critical 8.5.0 Done 23.00.00
1092804 Tee local coordinate transformation may produce overly conservative results for dynamic, static seismic, and SAM load cases 2 - High 6.3.0 Done 23.00.01
1081769 Minimum sustained margin may be calculated incorrectly from sustained combinations 1 - Critical 6.3.0 Done 23.00.01
1076560 Security Vulnerability (CVE-2018-9466): Update Power Platform (v23.00.00)  - Same info as 1271284 2 - High 12.08.00 Done 23.00.00
1054161 Security vulnerability (WS-2022-0161) - Update installer framework sdk (12.08.04) - Same info as 989613 2 - High 12.06.00 Done 12.08.04
1053328 ASME B31J: Program does not consider thermal expansion for the rigid lengths of branch elements 1 - Critical 11.03.00 Done 12.08.04
1049965 ASME B31J does not consider thermal expansion for the rigid lengths of branch elements 1 - Critical 11.03.00 Done 23.00.00
1042015 ASME B31.4: Sustained SIF: 0.75 factor is always multiplying regardless of "Set Sus/Occ SIF = 0.75i" result model option 2 - High 9.6.0 Done 12.09.00
1035957 Wind load rotation only works correctly for inclined wind loads 2 - High 11.01.00 Done 23.00.00
1032551 CSA-Z662 (2011-2015): Material Libraries Not in Sync with those of ASME B31.4 2 - High 10.00.00 Done 23.00.00
989613 Security vulnerability (WS-2022-0161) - Update installer framework sdk (23.00.00)  - Same info as 1054161 2 - High 12.06.00 Done 12.09.00
981578 Ultimate force gap: Program may not breakaway the support when force on support exceeds breakaway limit 1 - Critical 12.07.00 Done 23.00.00
976478 Hydrotest: Update test pressure does not update pressure at bend midpoints 2 - High 9.6.1 Done 12.09.00
974207 Sustain Margin hot allowable is not limited to 20ksi for ASME B31.3 2012 and later, and ASME B31.12 IP 2019 1 - Critical 9.6.0 Done 23.00.00
965112 Adding mass points per span changes B31J static analysis results 1 - Critical 11.03.00 Done 12.08.02
960688 Incorrect thermal expansion data for AU-Type 309 in B31.4 and B31.8 libraries 2 - High 9.6.0 Done 12.09.00
960040 Security: Update Newtonsoft to v13.0.1 to remove security vulnerability 2 - High 9.6.0 Done 12.08.02
959774 Program crashes on editing any node after editing tee point 2 - High 12.08.00 Done 12.08.02
956742 Code Compliance may not display the positive face of a node although the results for the positive face may be higher 1 - Critical 6.3.0 Done 12.08.02
949244 ASME B31.3- B31J always considers "Use SIF of 2.0" checked for reducer 2 - High 12.07.00 Done
891921 Modifying Pressure/Temperature data of one point, modifies Pressure/Temperature data of other point(s) 2 - High 12.07.00 Done
880414 Security: Upgrade to Power Platform 17 to fix security vulnerability related to libxml2 2 - High 9.5.0 Done
873664 B313: 0.75i condition is not applied on bend points when 'Use B31J' and 'Set Occasional SIF=0.75i' result model options are checked 2 - High 11.00.00 Done
869451 Flange Check: Effective Diameter of Bolts maybe incorrectly used based on Auto Flange/Bolt Dimensions box state 2 - High 12.05.00 Done
867582 General Piping code user defined allowable is shown as 0 on "Code Compliance Combination Allowable Stresses" sub-report 2 - High 12.02.00 Done
817745 ASME B31 codes: Bends are using SIF < 1 when "Pressure Correction for user SIF" and "Override all other In-plane and Out-plane SIFs at this point" checkboxes are enabled for user SIF 1 - Critical 10.00.00 Done
812329 Some flanges are not being reported in the Flange Analysis Summary report 1 - Critical 9.4.0 Done
804005 ASME B31.3: Incorrect W factor by changing pipe material and piping code edition 1 - Critical 9.4.0 Done
801331 Soil ID input grid: PGV value cannot be modified, instead of PGV the PGA value is updated 2 - High 9.5.0 Done
794182 Flange Check: Auto Flange/Bolt Dimensions box incorrectly resets gasket material and configuration 2 - High 12.03.00 Done
781999 Time history Location dialog does not accept beam nodes 2 - High 9.5.0 Done
761529 B31.3 and B31.12 IP: Override SIF checkbox for SIFs in the 'Joint Type and User SIFs' dialog does not use 0.75i condition 2 - High 6.3.0 Done
748540 ASME B31.3 2016 B31J Flexibility modification, Flex = 0.1 - 1.0, crashes the program 2 - High 11.00.00 Done
748539 Copy/Paste: Pasting piping points with soil applied modifies existing model data 1 - Critical 9.5.0 Done
748523 Sorted stress report and color plots may not display the +ve face of a bend midpoint which may give incorrect maximum stress   1 - Critical 9.4.0 Done
739795 Rotating Equipment: Override Nozzle Coordinates checkbox may fetch incorrect equipment nozzle offset values 2 - High 9.4.0 Done
732630 Max Ratio for flange with ANSI check is displayed incorrectly in the Flange Summary report 2 - High 11.04.00 Done
675378 EN13480: Allowable for sustained and occasional categories may be set to zero when pipe material has temperature range limited to a temperature less than operating 2 - High 9.4.0 Done
673380 Incorrect Weld Strength reduction factor for CSEF materials for B31.1 2014 through B31.1 2018 editions 1 - Critical 9.6.2 Done
643958 Flange Analysis ANSI Check: Material group ID maybe picked incorrectly from library 2 - High 9.6.0 Done,,
643934 Seismic ASCE 2010: Ss value is not fetched correctly through DB 2 - High 9.6.0 Done
643863 Tracker#:493 - BS 7159 "Pipe" dialog processing problems 2 - High 5.00 Done 5.01.03
643819 Tracker#:403 - All imposed displacements is added to Hydrotest loadcases 2 - High 5.00 Done 5.01.01
643790 Tracker#:351 - F3-Text key causes AutoPIPE to stop abnormally for General code option 2 - High 5.00 Done 5.01.01
643787 Tracker#:335 - Selecting "Seismic Lev" option causes AutoPIPE to stop abnormally 2 - High 5.00 Done 5.01.01
643758 Tracker#:1313 - Added mass points may affect cut short results 2 - High 4.05 Done 6.00.15
643726 Tracker#:1111 - Incorrect forces and moments when anchor attached to flex joint 2 - High 4.00 Done 6.00.08
643725 Tracker#:1110 - The pressure extension calculated for valves is incorrect 2 - High 5.00 Done 6.00.08
643724 Tracker#:1109 - CSAZ184 piping code does not calculate equivalent tensile code stresses 2 - High 5.00 Done 6.00.08
643723 Tracker#:1108 - Models with more than 400 segments may crash if view/segment is used 2 - High 5.03 Done 6.00.07
643690 Tracker#:1380 - DNV User "combined" code combinations do not have Hoop & Long cases 2 - High 5.00 Done 6.01.01
643688 Tracker#:1377 - For models > 400 Kb, Display/Animate-Displ/Modes may corrupt model or crash 2 - High 5.00 Done 6.01.01
643655 Tracker#:531 - Modify/Point at a tee causes the program to hang 2 - High 5.00 Done 5.01.03
643645 Tracker#:519 - Incorrect interpolation of B16.47 temperature vs. allowable pressure 2 - High 5.00 Done 5.01.03
643622 Tracker#:1925 - Mass or soil points in flanged bend change bend flexibility 2 - High 4.07 Done 6.10.01
643608 Tracker#:1587 - Edit/Copy can crash the program with frames connected to tee points 2 - High 6.00 Done 6.01.02
643602 Tracker#:1577 - Inserting a run point before the current point may corrupt the P&T data 2 - High 6.00 Done 6.01.01
643601 Tracker#:1575 - Models with segments with only a single bend point can crash the program 2 - High 4.00 Done 6.01.02
643582 Tracker#:1540 - Flexibility for flanged bend incorrect when adding a mid point 2 - High 4.02 Done 6.01.01
643580 Tracker#:1538 - Biljaard cylindrical and spherical vessel stiffnesses are lower than expected 1 - Critical 4.00 Done 6.01.02
643572 Tracker#:1609 - Number of automatic mass points over a span may be incorrect 2 - High 4.04 Done 6.01.01
643563 Tracker#:1508 - Soil points from a Copy/Paste operation may be invalid 2 - High 6.00 Done 6.01.02
643562 Tracker#:1507 - When modifying temp. in SI units, hot allowable stresses may not be updated 2 - High 6.00 Done 6.01.02
643556 Tracker#:1490 - A bend midpoint may become disconnected causing abnormal program termination 2 - High 6.00 Done 6.01.01
643555 Tracker#:1489 - Thickness dependant hot allowable stresses may not be updated 2 - High 4.07 Done 6.01.01
643544 Tracker#:1475 - Hoop stress at reducers may use the wrong pressure in interactive code scan 2 - High 6.00 Done 6.01.01
643541 Tracker#:1470 - Modify operating loads with blue changes may incorrectly change Temp/Pres/All 2 - High 6.00 Done 6.01.01
643535 Tracker#:1462 - Tee and continuation points may be disconnected after consistency check 2 - High 5.00 Done 6.01.01
643524 Tracker#:1771 - Beam beta angle may be incorrect for vertical frame members 2 - High 6.00 Done 6.01.01
643520 Tracker#:1766 - Certain loads are omitted from hydrotest case when load cases are not analyzed 2 - High 5.00 Done 6.01.01
643511 Tracker#:1695 - Branch sizes at olets are imported from Autoplant incorrectly 2 - High 6.00 Done 6.01.01
643507 Tracker#:1691 - Flexible joints of different sizes are imported from Autoplant as one size 2 - High 6.00 Done 6.01.02
643492 Tracker#:1453 - Using mmetric or metric units with BS7159 code gives incorrect modulus values 2 - High 4.07 Done 6.01.02
643491 Tracker#:1452 - The hot modulus is calculated incorrectly for the BS7159 code option 2 - High 6.00 Done 6.01.01
643490 Tracker#:1451 - Selecting laminate type or reference is not updating material properties 2 - High 6.00 Done 6.01.01
643488 Tracker#:1838 - Supports on bend midpoints/frames & all soil deleted during consistency check 2 - High 6.00 Done 6.01.01
643486 Tracker#:1834 - After delete points & consistency check, single segment tees may be corrupted 2 - High 6.00 Done 6.01.01
643470 Tracker#:974 - Analysis may crash if Hydrotest P/T loadcase is > 1 and rigid pipes defined 2 - High 5.00 Done 6.00.05
643468 Tracker#:971 - Invalid combinations can be created in Result\Code\User and Result\Other\User 2 - High 4.05 Done 6.00.14
643463 Tracker#:948 - Grouping with missing mass may cause incorrect response spectrum results 1 - Critical 4.02 Done 6.00.09
643458 Tracker#:935 - Selecting both beam and frame points with Edit\Text open may cause crash 2 - High 5.00 Done 6.00.05
643420 Tracker#:833 - Edit/Copy of a single point component causes the program to hang 2 - High 5.03 Done 6.00.04
643393 Tracker#:749 - BS806 and MITI codes do not use P2,T2 and P3, T3 cases for gen. stress 2 - High 4.07 Done 5.03.02
643388 Tracker#:742 - Incorrect mass calculation at valves and flexible joints 2 - High 4.04 Done 5.03.02
643375 Tracker#:724 - Hoop stress calculation for mitered bends is not per ASME B31.1 2 - High 4.00 Done 5.03.02
643361 Tracker#:707 - Hanger forces are not printed for all load cases in Support sub-report 2 - High 5.00 Done 5.03.01
643349 Tracker#:689 - Contiguous segmt intersect may cause hang during copy of attach branch 2 - High 5.00 Done 5.03.01
643305 Tracker#:591 - Incorrect BS806 longitudinal bending stress at straight pipes 2 - High 4.04 Done 5.03.01
643296 Tracker#:2132 - Paste may cause bends to have connectivity errors & invalid pipe properties 2 - High 6.00 Done 6.10.03
643291 Tracker#:2061 - Inserting a support at a tee or junction point may crash the program. 2 - High 5.00 Done 6.10.02
643282 Tracker#:2362 - Using static correction methods for some dynamic analyses produces no difference 1 - Critical 4.04 Done 6.20.03
643276 Tracker#:2339 - Rigid support response to force spectrum loads are not always accurate 2 - High 4.04 Done 6.20.03
643274 Tracker#:2337 - Incorrect response spectrum accelerations reported using ZPA 2 - High 4.02 Done 6.20.03
643268 Tracker#:2309 - Missing time history loads after using Fluid Transient command 2 - High 5.00 Done 6.20.01
643266 Tracker#:2302 - Rigid support response to time history loads are not always accurate 2 - High 5.00 Done 6.20.03
643258 Tracker#:2275 - Guide support results on a vertical line may be inconsistent with gap directions 2 - High 6.00 Done 6.20.05
643252 Tracker#:2196 - Insert/flange over a range in non-english units gives incorrect flange weights 2 - High 6.00 Done 6.10.06
643248 Tracker#:2340 - Zero support reactions in force spectrum analysis except for last load case 2 - High 4.04 Done 6.20.03
643225 Tracker#:4531 - Selecting the "Max Range" code stress combination only will crash the program 2 - High 8.5.0 Done
643218 Tracker#:4440 - Missing unit or library files may cause corruption of Xtra Data in the model 2 - High 8.5.0 Done
643202 Tracker#:4418 - Tee connectivity data may be corrupted after modifying bend to run point 2 - High 8.5.0 Done
643162 Tracker#:4186 - Flexible joint & nozzle stiffness is decreased with mass or soil points 2 - High 4.04 Done 8.50.12
643152 Tracker#:4037 - General code uses reducing tee formula for codes that do not require it 2 - High 4.00 Done 8.50.14
643116 Tracker#:4802 - Program hangs when sizing relief valve vent lines 2 - High 6.00 Done
643104 Tracker#:4714 - Pres/Temp data at bend midpoint is not updated in Pres/Temp grid 2 - High 8.5.0 Done
643103 Tracker#:4708 - The program may crash after deleting points and running the analysis 2 - High 8.5.0 Done
643092 Tracker#:4496 - Frames copied from model to model may change section properties after paste 2 - High 8.5.0 Done
643091 Tracker#:4495 - Frames copied from model to model do not display in solid view after paste 2 - High 8.5.0 Done
643087 Tracker#:4481 - The pressure calc. for thick wall pipes uses thin-wall theory for Poisson effect 2 - High 4.00 Done
643086 Tracker#:4479 - Member earthquake factors are not saved and applied to beams 2 - High 6.01 Done
643083 Tracker#:4475 - The program may crash when selecting a cell in the Point Grid 2 - High 8.5.0 Done
643079 Tracker#:3893 - Program hangs after copy/paste of a tee 2 - High 5.00 Done
643076 Tracker#:3798 - Modify pipe properties over range may corrupt the model 2 - High 6.03 Done 8.50.10
643058 Tracker#:3650 - Model revision number is not updated for General Model Option changes 2 - High 6.00 Done 8.50.16
643051 Tracker#:3541 - The Automatic Cf factor calculation for the ASCE 7-98 wind load is incorrect 2 - High 6.02 Done 8.50.03
643042 Tracker#:3079 - Cannot close error message E38-25 if pipe size is not valid for valve type 2 - High 6.20.10 Done 6.30.05
643027 Tracker#:3171 - Stream function messages do not clearly indicate the validity of results 2 - High 4.04 Done 6.30.06
643026 Tracker#:3167 - Problems in spectrum analyses may cause a crash while generating output report 2 - High 4.06 Done 6.30.06
643013 Tracker#:3056 - Current velocity and marine growth data may not always be initialized properly 2 - High 4.04 Done 6.30.05
643012 Tracker#:3053 - Analysis results for deep water wave loads may be too large at the seabed 2 - High 4.04 Done 6.30.06
643010 Tracker#:3034 - Incorrect number of TIH files causes large time history ZPA reactions 2 - High 6.02 Done 6.30.04
642999 Tracker#:2740 - Incorrect effective branch wall thickness for B31.1 reduced outlet tees 1 - Critical 6.00 Done 6.20.08
642997 Tracker#:2686 - Wide miter elbow has the wrong B2 value for NC and ND codes 2 - High 6.00 Done 6.20.04
642974 Tracker#:3495 - Shear modulus is zero for new pipe sections after a Cancel in the PipeID dialog 2 - High 6.03 Done 8.50.03
642969 Tracker#:3483 - Tee stress results for General Stress report combinations may not be correct 2 - High 4.02 Done 8.50.12
642922 Tracker#:2803 - ZPA or missing mass option may cause a memory error during dynamic analyses 2 - High 6.02 Done 6.30.02
642918 Tracker#:2795 - Program gives very large results for long duration time history load 2 - High 6.02 Done 6.30.02
642897 Tracker#:5124 - Program crashes if Ctrl+Z is pressed more than once in Input grids 2 - High 8.5.0 Done
642878 Tracker#:5235 - Hoop stress for thick wall pipes is not calculated correctly for EN13480 code 2 - High 6.03 Done
642845 Tracker#:5354 - Shaft axis set to Inclined in Rotating Equipment dialog will hang the program 2 - High 5.00 Done
642831 Tracker#:5470 - Tee in- & out-plane moments are reversed on +side when run & branch on same seg 2 - High 4.04 Done
642812 Tracker#:5821 - Constant Force hanger stiffness is incorrectly set to rigid when undesigned 2 - High 4.02 Done
642805 Tracker#:6219 - Fluid transient forces may be incorrect downstream from a flow rate change 1 - Critical 5.00 Done
642803 Tracker#:6053 - Cut short may be incorrect when mass & soil points are present 2 - High 6.00 Done
642786 Tracker#:6422 - P&T dependent data may change if inserting before the 1st segment point 2 - High 6.01 Done
642778 Tracker#:6511 - Zero code stresses are shown for General Code with B31.8 SIF option 2 - High 8.6.0 Done
642777 Thermal Ratchet C4 from previously processed pipe properties may be used if current pipe properties C4 value is zero 2 - High 9.2.2 Done
642772 Stress indices and moment of inertia may be calculated incorrectly for nodes with transition welds 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
642761 Tracker#:7450 - Stress indices for branch tees is not correct if branch pipe is reinforced 2 - High 8.6.0 Done
642747 ASME B31.8: Temperature derating factor T is not used in calculation of sustained and occasional stress allowable 2 - High 6.3.0 Done
642746 Tracker#:7043 - BS7159 pressure stress and multiplier may be incorrect 2 - High 8.6.0 Done
642743 Tracker#:6835 - Changing to 'Spring' or 'Constant' in Support grid may affect nonlinear static 2 - High 8.5.0 Done
642742 Tracker#:6829 - Large thermal movement may result during hanger selection analysis 2 - High 8.5.0 Done
642738 Tracker#:6679 - Materials in B31.3 library have the wrong allowable stresses 2 - High 8.5.0 Done
642736 Stress indices and B2 correction factor for reducers may be calculated incorrectly 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
642706 Tracker#:7201 - Loading 8.6 model with fluid transient data into 9.0 hangs the program 2 - High 9.0.0 Done
642705 Tracker#:7483 - Program crashes when trying to delete segment origin pt in attached test model 2 - High 6.3.0 Done
642704 Tracker#:7469 - Crotch thickness for B31.1 2005a code is not saved correctly for SI units 2 - High 9.0.0 Done
642699 Tracker#:7093 - Allowable hoop stress for EN13480 is set to fh instead of design stress f 2 - High 6.3.0 Done
642693 Tracker#:7634 - Incorrect bend geometry after exporting support loads to STAAD 2 - High 8.9.0 Done
642688 Tracker#:7271 - Incorrect units used for Chinese GB material library 2 - High 9.0.0 Done
642686 Tracker#:7055 - Hoop and Shear Modului are not updated when ambient temperature changes 2 - High 9.0.0 Done
642682 Tracker#:7107 - Update EN13480 elongation criteria for allowable stress for austenitic steel 2 - High 6.3.0 Done
642666 Tracker#:8051 - B31.1-67 branch stress calculated for reducing outlet branch tees is incorrect 1 - Critical 4.05 Done
642657 Tracker#:8031 - Interactive Long stress ratio may be incorrect for B31.8 and offshore codes 2 - High 8.5.0 Done
642653 Tracker#:8021 - Branch stress calculated for reducing outlet branch crosses may be incorrect 1 - Critical 4.05 Done
642651 Tracker#:8016 - Pressure & allowable stresses can be incorrect for multiple analysis sets 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
642650 Tracker#:8015 - JSME: Cannot add load cases to combination in CS1(P+S) category 2 - High 9.1.0 Done
642648 Tracker#:8010 - MITI-3: Cannot add load cases to combination in 3AS(P+S) category 2 - High 5.03 Done
642639 Tracker#:7987 - Sustained stress adds up all P cases when multiple analysis sets are defined 2 - High 9.1.0 Done
642638 Tracker#:7983 - TTA profiles with long transients may return incorrect Delta T1 & T2 values 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
642633 Tracker#:7967 - Cannot enter a User B1 value of less than 0.5 for ASME NB 2 - High 9.1.0 Done
642632 Tracker#:7964 - Selecting load case in the Impose Disp. dialog always displays E49-40 for KHK 2 - High 9.1.0 Done
642626 Tracker#:7944 - Member static earthquake factor is not applied correctly at valve midpoint 2 - High 9.1.0 Done
642623 Tracker#:7938 - Two consecutive tees on the same segment may be disconnected after NTL import 2 - High 6.1 Done
642617 Tracker#:7898 - FY allowable force resets to 'none' for all reference point data 2 - High 9.1.0 Done
642616 Tracker#:7897 - Comb based on last analysis set only are correct in General Stress report 2 - High 9.1.0 Done
642613 Tracker#:7978 - Error with Xtra data > Joint names  & SIF values when imported model 2 - High 8.9.0 Done
642601 Tracker#:7845 - Incorrect NC/ND reversing loads in Service Levels C & D for rotated tees 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
642600 Tracker#:7844 - Incorrect JSME moment summation for rotated tees 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
642598 Tracker#:7842 - Support dlg: Switch 'Constant' support (designed) to 'Spring' crashes program 2 - High 9.1.0 Done
642597 Tracker#:7841 - Valve with midpoint is exported incorrectly as a valve and run pipe to STAAD 2 - High 9.1.0 Done
642591 Tracker#:7861 - Incorrect ASME NC/ND moment summation for rotated tees for Eqs (8) and (9) 1 - Critical 8.6.0 Done
642590 Tracker#:7846 - Incorrect ASME NB moment summation for rotated tees 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
642583 Tracker#:8472 - Allowable Stress and Design Intensity is incorrect for few materials in ASME1986 1 - Critical 8.6.0 Done
642570 Tracker#:8436 - Program incorrectly shows code check failing when equation 10 fails for ASME NB 2 - High 9.1.0 Done
642568 Tracker#:8434 - File write error may crash the program on saving or analyzing a model 2 - High 9.2.0 Done
642567 Tracker#:8433 - Moment summation at the tee for ASME NB ignores moment sign for second leg 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
642562 Tracker#:8207 - ASME NB 1977 K2 and K3 stress indices are incorrect for some welded transitions 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
642558 Tracker#:8188 - For vertical API610 pumps, stresses are NaN when AUTODIN is used 2 - High 9.1.0 Done
642554 Tracker#:8165 - New KHK2 models show zero results except for combinations with PW 2 - High 9.1.0 Done
642552 Tracker#:8159 - DeltaT1 and DeltaT2 units are not converted correctly when switching to SI units 2 - High 9.1.0 Done
642550 Tracker#:8156 - New KHK2 models show default combinations as those of KHK1 piping code 2 - High 9.1.0 Done
642549 Tracker#:8155 - Stress at  pipe end of far reducer point  with a support has zero moment 2 - High 9.1.0 Done
642546 Tracker#:8149 - In ASME NC/ND 1981/1982 Unreinforced/Reinforced tee SIF can be less than 2.1 1 - Critical 6.3.0 Done
642533 Tracker#:8300 - For ASME NB-1975 add, K2 and K3 indices are incorrect  for Flush BW Transition 2 - High 9.1.0 Done
642531 Tracker#:8281 - TTA Pipe and Insulation grid blocks valid pipe thickness input for SI Units 2 - High 9.1.0 Done
642523 Tracker#:8498 - Stress level code combinations like (SUS) are ignored for ASME NB/NC/ND 2 - High 9.1.0 Done
642521 Tracker#:8486 - Reinforced tee B2b & B2r  stress indices are set equal for NC/ND 2003-2004 code 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
642520 Tracker#:8485 - Code year NC/ND 1980 Summer is mislabeled as 1982a. Also ND 1983W is mislabeled 2 - High 9.1.0 Done
642519 Tracker#:8116 - Pipe side SIF at far point of reducer may not be correct 2 - High 9.1.0 Done
642518 Tracker#:8115 - Butt Weld offset or mismatch is incorrectly used as offset ratio delta/t in SIF 2 - High 9.1.0 Done
642517 Tracker#:8113 - Incorrect local y and z axes for nearly vertical pipes 2 - High 5.00 Done
642515 Tracker#:8097 - For ASME NC/ND 1986-1989 Girth Butt Weld SIF is set to 2.8 for t < 0.237 inches 2 - High 9.1.0 Done
642511 Tracker#:8595 - ASME NB 1989 socket weld indices for Cx<=0.75tn are always used for later years 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
642509 Tracker#:8590 - C2 should not be set to 1.0 when t < 0.237 in. for NC/ND 2001 and later editions 1 - Critical 9.2.1 Done
642508 Tracker#:8589 - B2' = 1.5 is always used for Socket welds for NC/ND 2001 and later 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
642489 Tracker#:8527 - Equation 11a should not be used for years before 1994 in pre-verification report 2 - High 9.1.0 Done
642485 Tracker#:8521 - Girth Butt weld SIF maybe > 1.0 for t  < 0.237" and ASME NC/ND 2001 and later 2 - High 9.1.0 Done
642484 Tracker#:8517 - Moment summation incorrectly applied to reverse dynamic loads for NC 1972-1980 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
642483 Tracker#:8516 - Problem with tee run moment summation for unsigned SAM cases 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
642472 Tracker#:8699 - Pressure stiffening correction is not applied to SIF factor 2 - High 9.1.0 Done
642463 Tracker#:8652 - Tee data switched when rigid options are inserted on a branch 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
642458 Tracker#:8637 - Negative force/disp/gross disc. or cut short may cause incorrect stresses 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
642453 Tracker#:8621 - Ratchet stress is incorrect for SI units 2 - High 9.1.0 Done
642448 Tracker#:8615 - C2 for ASME NC/ND 1994 and later ignores longitudinal weld 2 - High 9.1.0 Done
642445 Tracker#:8612 - Hanger Selection: HGR file is not created in Analyze / All 2 - High 9.1.1 Done
642440 Tracker#:8603 - ASME NB Thermal Ratchet shows Delta-T1 range from last load set pair 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
642435 Tracker#:9023 - ASME NB 1980+1982 Addenda is mislabled as ASME 1980 2 - High 9.2.1 Done
642434 Tracker#:9488 - Thermal bowing alpha for last pipe is used for all pipes for ASME NB, NC and ND 2 - High 9.3.1 Done
642433 Tracker#:9487 - User B1 and C3 stress indices limits are incorrect 2 - High 9.1.0 Done
642432 Tracker#:9483 - Zero stresses in the stress summary when number of loadsets exceeds 150 2 - High 9.1.0 Done
642429 Tracker#:9441 - Hoop stress in user combination is shown as zero if load case has Pressure 1 2 - High 9.1.0 Done
642428 Tracker#:9357 - ASME NB, NC and ND combined stress may be non-conservative for skewed pipe 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
642427 Tracker#:9338 - Tee header SIF is incorrectly used for branch in Japanese JSME 2005 code 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
642425 Tracker#:9205 - Maximum DT1 and DT2 stress is not used for tee in pre-verification report 2 - High 9.1.0 Done
642424 Tracker#:9203 - Pulled bend flexibility factor is conservatively set to 1.0 2 - High 9.1.0 Done
642423 Tracker#:9171 - SAM as Reverse dynamic gives zero SAM stresses in NB rev.dyn summary 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
642422 Tracker#:9164 - NC/ND 2004 tee stress for reverse dynamic stress summary is conservative 2 - High 9.1.0 Done
642420 Tracker#:9160 - B2 is used instead of B2' for girth BW with thickness change for Rev Dyn Summary 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
642419 Tracker#:9113 - Exported DXF file is corrupted 2 - High 9.3.0 Done
642417 Tracker#:9111 - Flange report pressure rating  class = ***** 2 - High 9.3.0 Done
642416 Tracker#:9099 - Cannot run time history if a previously used THL file is not in model folder 2 - High 9.2.0 Done
642415 Tracker#:9091 - Abutting bend stress indices are too conservative for pipe thickness < 3/16" 2 - High 9.1.0 Done
642413 Tracker#:9044 - Abutting elbow C2 index is using NB 1992 girth weld C2 formula for earlier years 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
642412 Tracker#:9040 - Problem with entering OTHER tee for JSME code 2 - High 9.1.0 Done
642410 Tracker#:9034 - Branch Type Tee SIFs and stress indices for JSME code are using NC 2004 values 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
642408 Tracker#:9025 - Eqn.8 & 9 stress summary may be incorrect at plus side of tee for NC/ND 2004 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
642407 Tracker#:9014 - ASME NB/NC/ND OTHER tee stress indices maybe incorrect 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
642405 Tracker#:9302 - Stress ISO: Metric DXF borders corrupt the file during DXF export 2 - High 9.0.0 Done
642367 Tracker#:8793 - ASME B31.3 App P option causes different results in multiple load sets 1 - Critical 9.1.1 Done
642365 Tracker#:8788 - Incorrect MSRS analysis results when flexible joint or nozzle elements used 1 - Critical 9.2.0 Done
642364 Tracker#:8787 - SAM Axial stress results are zero for ASME ND code 94 or later 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
642360 Tracker#:8771 - Soil points along the bend use pipe SIF instead of bend SIF 2 - High 8.6.0 Done
642359 Tracker#:8759 - Some pipe properties for plus point is used for minus point for ASME NB, NC&ND 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
642352 Tracker#:8737 - Transition weld SIF uses thickness at plus side of the joint 1 - Critical 8.9.0 Done
642349 Tracker#:8731 - ASME NB Equation 9 Allowable may change based on last load set pair 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
642322 Tracker#:8991 - Changing pipe material in the input grid does not update thermal expansion alpha 2 - High 9.1.0 Done
642318 Tracker#:9631 - Pressure stiffening not applied to code stress for offshore codes and B31.8 2 - High 9.1.0 Done
642308 Tracker#:9329 - Reinforced tee B2r < 1.575 and C2r < 2.1 are incorrect for NC/ND 2003 and later 1 - Critical 9.1.1 Done
642293 Tracker#:9768 - Pressure stiffening is not applied correctly when analysis sets are not analyzed 2 - High 9.1.0 Done
642284 Tracker#:9675 - User allowable stress is not used for Rest categories for B31.8 2 - High 9.1.0 Done
642283 Tracker#:9673 - AutoPIPE crashes while opening a model. 2 - High 9.2.0 Done
642281 Tracker#:9664 - Sustained stress allowable ignores creep if one T < Tcrp is included in analysis 2 - High 9.1.0 Done
642277 Tracker#:9790 - Rotation support is ignored when inserted from menu after a nonlinear support 2 - High 9.0.0 Done
642275 Tracker#:9823 - User defined units may lead to incorrect compressor or turbine equipment reports 2 - High 7.1 Done
642272 Tracker#:10203 - American materials in EN13480 library may have incorrect creep data 2 - High 6.3.0 Done
642264 Tracker#:10166 - Two flanges added to a component may incorrectly share the same flange data 1 - Critical 9.4.0 Done
642260 Tracker#:10145 - BTP 1987 Rupture limit for equation 9 is using min. hot Sy instead of design Sy 1 - Critical 9.1.1 Done
642245 Tracker#:9957 - Pipelink: Changing background color on a pipelink imported model causes crash 2 - High 9.3.0 Done
642244 Tracker#:10050 - Minimum allowable is not used for tee stresses in JSME 2 - High 9.1.0 Done
642241 Tracker#:9926 - User Allowable tab is blank for 100 or more pressure/Temp cases 2 - High 9.3.2 Done
642228 Tracker#:9971 - Adding dynamic sets may remove other cases for older MITI and JSME models 2 - High 9.3.0 Done
642217 Tracker#:11022 - Incorrect mapping of support groups when changing JSME edition from 2008 to 2005 2 - High 9.5.0 Done
642216 Tracker#:11020 - Incorrect SAM displacements for JSME 2008 with more than 2 support groups 2 - High 9.5.0 Done
642209 Tracker#:10877 - Sustained Allowable may be incorrect for NS & Materials for B31.3/B31.1 code 2 - High 9.3.0 Done
642200 Tracker#:10788 - FlangeAnalysis: Bolt Spacing Correction Factor may calculate incorrectly 2 - High 9.4.0 Done
642199 Tracker#:10784 - Sustained allowable for B31.1 & B31.3 may be incorrect when Circ. W fac. applied 2 - High 9.4.0 Done
642198 Tracker#:10782 - B31.3-2010 Occasional allowable may be unconservative for T<Tcr or Tcr=0 1 - Critical 9.4.1 Done
642196 Tracker#:10751 - Program not reporting max stress from -ve and +ve faces of soil and kink points 1 - Critical 4.00 Done
642190 Tracker#:10723 - SAM axial stress of plus face of a point uses axial force of minus face 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
642189 Tracker#:10722 - Bend near point does not use SIF value for Adams Method ASME NC/ND 2 - High 9.5.0 Done
642176 Tracker#:10593 - The allowable (K) factor does not reset after changing the stress category 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
642170 Tracker#:10645 - Creep for 1.49XX material in EURO2009 using incorrect data from German version 2 - High 9.4.0 Done
642117 Tracker#:10237 - Ke is less than 1 when service level Rupture is selected and 2.4 Sm < Sn < 3 Sm 1 - Critical 9.1.1 Done
642093 Tracker#:11112 - Incorrect analysis results with imposed disp. or anchor movement on soil points 1 - Critical 5.00 Done
642092 Tracker#:11111 - Maximum expansion (EXP) added at moment level not associating thermal case 2 - High 9.2.0 Done
642090 Tracker#:11107 - Thermal bowing: "Instantaneous expansion coeff. for NS materials" is not used 2 - High 9.6.0 Done
642087 Tracker#:11103 - Absolute axial stress not used for calculating expansion stress for B31.3 (2012) 2 - High 9.6.0 Done
642085 Tracker#:11094 - Ce factor and exposure category is not retained in UBC wind profile dialog 2 - High 9.6.0 Done
642079 Tracker#:11153 - Different hot modulus value not used for analysis for points on the same pipe ID 1 - Critical 6.00 Done
642058 Class 1: Tee summation rotation incorrect for tee nodes with name 'A19' 2 - High 10.00.00 Done
642055 Material properties set for valve or flexible joint are used to calculate allowable stress for pipe that follows 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
642054 ASME NB: Global moment values are used for time history load case for non-tee points when "Modal/timestep tee summ" option is enabled 2 - High 10.00.00 Done
642033 Tee inserted at the branch of another tee incorrectly inherits properties of the existing tee 1 - Critical 6.3.0 Done
642026 Ground motion time history case with multiple .tih files reporting incorrect values 2 - High 5.00 Done
642021 ASME NB: Stress summary containing equation 10 transient with a user defined non-reversing SAM category combination may give incorrect results 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
641999 JSME Class 2-PPC: B1 stress index is incorrectly reported as 1.0 for a reducer with cone angle value of 30.0 2 - High 9.1.0 Done
641995 Stress indices of bend are incorrectly applied to reducer 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
641987 Non-linear analysis is incorrectly flagging supports as lifting off 2 - High 10.00.00 Done
641986 ASME NC/ND: C2r and C2b stress Indices may be incorrectly calculated for fillet welded and partial penetration welded branch connections 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
641979 ASME NB: Tee moments may use incorrect sign and may lead to incorrect stress results when combining signed and unsigned combinations 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
641976 Base material for SA508-1A material specification is incorrectly set as Low Alloy Steel instead of carbon steel 1 - Critical 9.6.1 Done
641969 ISO14692: Pressure correction factor for bend flexibility factor is applied incorrectly 2 - High 9.5.0 Done
641962 JSME Class 2-PPC: B1 stress index is incorrectly reported as 0.5 for a reducer with cone angle value of 60.0 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
641958 Incorrect stress value may be stored for SLO(B2) combination for JSME Piping code 2 - High 9.5.0 Done
641939 Tracker#:11167 - Temperature dependent data not updated on modifying temperature for points range 1 - Critical 9.5.0 Done
641929 B31.1: SIF is not correctly calculated for welding tees with a special consideration of crotch radius and thickness 2 - High 9.0.0 Done
641923 ASME NB: Program applies incorrect minimum value limit for fillet welded branch connection stress indices 2 - High 9.3.1 Done
641922 ASME NB: Incorrect stress results may be reported for negative face of a reducer node that is directly connected to a tee branch 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
641920 ASME NB: Thermal ratchet allowable may be calculated incorrectly when the ratio of pressure stress over yield strength is greater than or equal to 1 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
641919 ASME NB: Changing fatigue curve for a pipe identifier may modify fatigue curves for other pipe identifier(s) 1 - Critical 9.3.0 Done
641915 Buoyancy is not applied to copied segments 1 - Critical 9.5.0 Done
641896 ASME NB: Stress, allowable and SIF calculations for a reducer may use incorrect Pipe properties and Pressure/Temperature data 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
641894 Wind and hydrotest loads are not applied to a segment if snow load checkbox is unchecked 2 - High 11.02.00 Done
641892 ASME NC/ND: Equation 11 allowable calculation is incorrectly impacted by selected equation 9 allowable case 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
641883 On duplicating a wind load, changing the wind direction of one case also updates the direction of duplicated case 2 - High 11.01.00 Done
641882 Hydrotest: For beams thermal anchor movements are multiplied with temperature factor and incorrectly added to thermal anchor movements for displacements 2 - High 10.00.00 Done
641881 Bend flange correction factor is not applied when flange is located beyond segment change 1 - Critical 6.3.0 Done
641877 ASME NB: Response and SAM case are not summed up using Modal/Timestep Tee moment Summation 1 - Critical 10.00.00 Done
641876 ASME NB: Pressure term calculations use maximum D/t from header and branch instead of header only 2 - High 9.1.0 Done
641875 Flange Analysis: When internal pressure is set to zero, stresses due to external loads are not calculated 2 - High 9.4.0 Done
641874 Flange Analysis: Program is incorrectly calculating gasket seating bolt load (Code required) for flanges subjected to external pressure 2 - High 9.4.0 Done
641873 JSME 2008: Occasional stress is not included at Tee point when the "MAX OCC" option is selected 1 - Critical 10.00.00 Done
641872 Flange Check: Gasket Inside Diameter and Effective Width values may not be correct 2 - High 9.4.0 Done
641871 ASME B31.8: User defined rest-func and rest-exp combinations incorrectly use a default kFac of 1.0 2 - High 9.0.0 Done
641870 Results for models with connected anchors and intermediate soil and/or mass points may be incorrect 1 - Critical 12.00.00 Done
641869 Material Libraries: Incorrect data may be retrieved from the library for certain materials 2 - High 8.6.0 Done
641868 Pressure extension forces and moments not considered for B31.3 and B31.1 2018 sustained combinations at 0 pressure 2 - High 12.01.00 Done
641867 Expansion and modulus of elasticity values for standard material "AU-TYPE 309" are incorrectly retrieved for "B311-86" and "B311-92" material libraries at temperatures higher than 900 deg F 1 - Critical 8.9.0 Done
641866 Properties for SA671-C70-22 code dependent material may not be retrieved correctly when using ASME2004, ASME2007, or ASME2009 material library 1 - Critical 9.3.0 Done
641865 Y factor should not be considered in calculations of Hoop stress and ASD category for DNV 2012 and later editions 2 - High 9.6.0 Done
641864 ASME B31J: SIF values for Unreinforced Fabricated tee with sloped configuration may not be calculated correctly 1 - Critical 11.03.00 Done
641863 ASME B313 Material Libraries: Incorrect allowable stress, yield strength, or thermal expansion data for some materials 1 - Critical 9.0.0 Done
641862 ASME NC/ND: Allowable case for Sh, Sy in Eq. 9 is incorrectly used for 1980+1980S add. and earlier editions 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
641861 Time History Profile (*.THP) file with time and/or load values having more than ten characters may generate incorrect Time History results 1 - Critical 11.02.00 Done
641860 ASME NC/ND: B2 stress index and allowable calculations for a reducer may use incorrect pipe properties and pressure temperature data 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
641859 ASCE-7-10: Exposure category B is incorrectly limiting z value to 30ft for calculating velocity pressure exposure coefficient Kz 2 - High 9.6.0 Done
641858 ASME NB: Equation 11 Temperature distribution terms for tee points always use the second tee header leg material properties which may not be conservative for Tees with varying material across the legs 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
641857 ASCE 7: Topographical factor Kzt may be calculated incorrectly leading to incorrect wind pressure 1 - Critical 9.6.0 Done
641856 ASME B31.3: AL-6XN-B688 allowable values are  not correct 2 - High 9.3.0 Done
641855 ASME B313 Material Library: A790-S31803 is using incorrect values of thermal expansion at 300F, 800F, 950F and 1300F 2 - High 9.3.0 Done
641854 ASME B31J: Skewed tees do not always calculate stiffness values correctly 1 - Critical 11.03.00 Done
641853 Flange Check: Capability to assign flange corrosion for flange design is not available 1 - Critical 9.4.0 Done
641852 ASME B31J: Flange Bolt/Nut Weight field may incorrectly be overwritten by automatically calculated torsional SIF value 2 - High 11.03.00 Done
641851 Axial pressure force may not be used when calculating longitudinal pressure force for Hydrotest load combination 2 - High 6.3.0 Done
641850 Flange Check: Flange inserted on a segment junction/continuation point may use zero values for external forces and moments for the selected load combination 1 - Critical 9.4.0 Done
641849 ISO 14692: Soil points on components other than bends use joint properties of previous point and Joints allowable stress equations 2 - High 9.5.0 Done
641848 ASME B31.1 Material library: Some of the materials are not using correct values for allowable stress, thermal expansion, Modulus or ultimate strength 2 - High 9.2.0 Done
641847 Density and Poisson's ratio may not be updated correctly when switching material library 1 - Critical 6.3.0 Done
641846 ASME Nuclear: Stress indices for bend mid points may be calculated incorrectly 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
641845 Insert new valve dialog may load incorrect length, surface area factor and weight from previously inserted valve 1 - Critical 11.00.00 Done
641844 Flange Analysis: When internal pressure is less than zero, ASME section VIII Div 2 is not calculating stresses 2 - High 9.4.0 Done
641843 HDPE Pipe cross section library has wrong values 1 - Critical 9.6.0 Done
641842 B31.1 Material Library: Thermal expansion data (Table B-1) was not updated in B311-12, B311-14 & B311-16 1 - Critical 9.6.0 Done
641841 ASME Material Library : Thermal expansion, Modulus of elasticity and Design stress intensity values for some pipe materials may not be correct 2 - High 9.1.0 Done
641840 ASME Material Library: SA182-F22 values are incorrectly updated for ASME2000 and later material libraries 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
641838 ASME Nuclear Material Library: Thermal expansion and/or Modulus of elasticity values for some pipe materials may not be correct 1 - Critical 9.6.1 Done
641836 ASME Libraries: Some pipe materials are not referring to correct standard material 2 - High 9.6.1 Done
641835 B31.4 and B31.8 "2012 or later" material libraries are not up to date with the applicable code edition changes 2 - High 11.00.00 Done
641831 Imposed Support Displacements inserted on supports or anchors connected to beam members are not considered for Multiple Support Response Spectrum analysis 1 - Critical 9.2.0 Done
641829 ASME Nuclear: Incorrect density, composition, and modulus values for standard pipe materials NI and GROUP-1-B 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
641828 ASME NC/ND: Stress Summary calculations incorrectly uses branch pressure and geometry for pressure term calculations 2 - High 9.1.0 Done
641812 Tees with different material across tee legs may report inconsistent allowable values 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
641811 ASME NC/ND: Elbows with any flange type reports B1 factor for socket welding flange 2 - High 9.1.0 Done
641810 For ASME NC/ND, Reducers at Cone Angle 30 deg Reporting Wrong B1 Index 2 - High 9.1.0 Done
641809 Incorrect modulus values for ISOGRPM library 2 - High 9.5.0 Done
641801 JSME Class 2-PPC: Maximum applicable B1 and B2 indices value at a point may not be used 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
641800 JSME Class 2-PPC: B1 and B2 indices reported at valve far point are incorrect for valves that are not butt welded 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
641796 Snip & ChinaGB: Allowable values at points using material specifications with more than one thickness range may be calculated incorrectly 2 - High 9.0.0 Done
641794 ASME NB - Tee Moment Summation: Nested user-combinations having different summation for the nested combinations are not being combined correctly 2 - High 10.00.00 Done
641791 ASME NC/ND: SIF value lower than 2.0 may be calculated when "Use SIF of 2.0" is checked 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
641788 ASME NC & ND: B2r and C2r stress indices may be calculated incorrectly for fillet welded and partial penetration welded branch connections 1 - Critical 9.3.1 Done
641787 Allowable values at points using material specifications with more than one thickness range may be calculated incorrectly 1 - Critical 6.3.0 Done
641783 ISO 14692: Incorrect factor is being used for calculating bend flexibility factor for hand-lay smooth bends 2 - High 9.5.0 Done
641782 ASME NB: Reducer placed directly after valve may not use reducer geometry data for stress indices calculations 2 - High 9.2.0 Done
641780 ASME NC/ND: B2r/C2r calculations incorrectly use reinforced branch mean radius for evaluating branch thickness tb 2 - High 9.6.0 Done
641779 ASME NB: Allowable value for a transient with zero moment case and a non-thermal case is calculated incorrectly 2 - High 9.6.1 Done
641772 ASME NB: Global moment values are used for time history load case for non-tee points when "Modal/timestep tee summ" option is enabled 2 - High 10.00.00 Done
641771 ASME NB thermal transient analysis gross discontinuity stress may be incorrectly calculated at locations involving last TTA pipe 1 - Critical 9.1.0 Done
641761 Default code combinations with (EXP) case considers axial force due to pressure extension only if "Inc. axial, Pcase in Sus." is checked 2 - High 8.9.0 Done
641757 Distributed loads are applied incorrectly to a range of piping points that are not in a connected straight line or when distributed load data is corrupted through convert point operation 1 - Critical 6.3.0 Done
641674 Equivalent temperature rise dt is calculated incorrectly for HDPE pipes 2 - High 9.6.0 Done
641671 DNV 2012 ASD check does not take in to account maximum longitudinal stress 2 - High 9.6.0 Done

See Also

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