Bentley Technical Support Group (TSG) is dedicated to assisting our SELECT subscribers with technical problems encountered in Bentley applications. Technical problems include defects in the software, user errors, enhancement requests, and general problems associated with using Bentley's software. TSG, however, is not responsible for training users on the proper use of our software.
Most training issues ("How do I …") can be resolved by reading the Help files available with each application and through tutorials provided with the software. Our analysts are technically minded and reserved primarily for users who have production issues because of problems with the software or user inflicted errors. It would be detrimental to our users if our limited resources spent their time training users on how to use the software.
Bentley has a Professional Services group who are dedicated to providing professional consulting and training. If you are interested in receiving formal training on any Bentley application, go to the "Software Training Center" Online at or contact your Account Manager.
Furthermore, due to liability and potential legal issues, Bentley TSG is unable to provide assistance with design choices (such as material specifications, methods for addressing overstress, or applicable piping codes) or construction details dictated by individual clients, engineering firms, project documentation, or code-specific guidelines. Stress engineers possess specialized knowledge and techniques for addressing overstress problems. Typically, these issues arise from either excessive or insufficient restraint of the piping system. Adjusting the flexibility within the piping layout and support system generally alleviates overstress situations. Techniques employed by stress engineers may include adding or removing of: expansion loops, flexible joints, alternative pipe routing, modified support systems, different material selections, etc. Again, we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused by our inability to offer stress engineering consultancy for your model and appreciate your understanding.
Lasty, only versions of the program covered by our support policy are eligible for product support. Suggest that you download and update to the most recent version of the program from the Bentley Software Download website, then check to see if the problem has already been fixed. If not, submit a new case and attach information as mentioned below. Finally, suggest reviewing reasons here of the importance of keeping your software up to date.
First answer this question, has support for your version of the application expired?
see web page here to know more about expired support services based on application version.
If support has not yet expired, use the following link here to access Bentley's Support Services:
- click here (Support portal)
- click here (all options to log a case)
When logging a new case provide the following details:
A. Confirm what version of AutoPIPE are you using (Help> About> 8 digit number).
Typically the version listed on the Bentley Case does not match the version that is actually being used. Please confirm version number.
B. What exactly is the problem / error?
Note: Must provide one of the following
1. Typed Step-by-Step procedure to reproduce the issue
2. Screen recording (highly recommended) of the steps to repeat - click here.
Be sure to be thorough in your steps to repeat (ex. exact sequence of commands, related node numbers, etc..). Remember, Bentley Development Team or Technical Support will not be able to investigate or provide technical support on issues that we cannot reproduce.
D. Create highlighted screen shots as needed to clearly show the error / enhancement.
E. In addition, provide more information as required by subject matter below:
- Best Option, call Bentley and ask to speak with the Licensing Department.
- Otherwise, Most important make sure that you are using the latest version of Connection Client - see here.
- Open Bentley Licensing Tool (BLT), grab the bottom right corner and extend the dialog to eliminate horizontal scroll bars,
- Use Tools> Send Logs now
- Then Tools> Refresh Policy
- Then Tools > Reset Policy
- Next, and take screen shots of each tab with the AutoPIPE shown on screen.
- If needed, send Bentley Licensing logs for review. Use Log collector command in Connection client to generate the log zip file.
- Troubleshooting of connectivity problems with our web services may require diagnostic data not available in product diagnostic logs. Performing a Fiddler trace
At some point one may suspect or challenge that AutoPIPE's results are not correct and want TSG to review areas of concern. In order to address areas of concern, TSG needs the following information:
a. AutoPIPE APC file, containing minimum: Input, libraries, Units, Reports (with complete output report).
b. Clearly identify exact node point and Load case of concern
c. Send detailed hand calculations based on Code calculations from AutoPIPE help
Help ribbon> Contents button> Contents Tab> Reference Information> Code Compliance Calculations>
These calculations should be in MS Excel format for review by the Development team. The calculations should utilize values documented in a complete output report. Again, provide clear details of your calculations and where exactly AutoPIPE appears to be incorrect.
d. If quoting a section from a code, provide the code name, code year, section, and paragraph designation. Helpful to copy clip just the paragraph of concern to be included when sending your information for review.
Send the following information:
a. What application and version produced the imported file?
b. What application (ADLPIPE, PCF translator, STRAIT, ME101, etc..) and version is being used to import the file?
Note: for PCF translator abort issues - click here
c. File trying to be imported
d. Any files generated during the import process (NTL, LOG, MSG, CHK, etc...)
Note: Review MSG file with fixes to known messages here
e. AutoPIPE's log file created during import, click here
f. Screen recording or DETAILED description of exactly what is the issue or problems encountered.
g. During screen recording, be sure to show all setting on dialog and related tabs used in the application importing the file. Otherwise screen shots of all settings..
h. What was done to investigate the problem (ex. investigate log files, manipulated imported file, etc..)
Please place all files mentioned above into a ZIP file make it easier to store and manipulate files for Bentley TSG personnel
When submitting a technical support case, it is essential to provide a concise yet comprehensive description of the issue that needs investigation. While a screen recording can help fill in any missing details, it should also vividly showcase the problems you have encountered.
For reasons why a Stress isometric is not created see KB article here
Note: User should affirm that they have looked into each of these possibilities and that none of them has been able to fix their problem of generating a Stress Isometric.
If the above does not resolve the issue, send following items for review:
a. Files:
i. AutoPIPE APC file
ii. AutoPIPE *.isl
ii. AutoPIPE *.APISO
iv. zip file of the following folder:
C:\ProgramData\Bentley\AutoPIPE CONNECT [version]\isoextractor
b. Screen shots of Stress Isometric settings used (this includes a screen shot of each tab on the stress iso dialog), and errors that appear
c. Confirm numbered version of OPIM installed, use BLT, select Product Status tab, take screen shot showing OPIM version and AutoPIPE version
d. Exact steps repeat or screen recording
a. On start Up - click here
b. While using the program - click here
a. Confirm all avoidances here have been tried
b. Record screen movie showing what happens
c. Prove user's Computer information
d. Results from graphics card test
Corporate Headquarters
685 Stockton Drive
Exton, PA 19341, United States
1-800-BENTLEY (1-800-236-8539)
Outside the United States +1 610-458-5000
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2. Support
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4. For All Other Inquiries