Cost code configuration example
Cost code configuration template
The cost codes breakdown structure needs to be defined in the Excel file.
Use the provided sample cost code configuration file as an example of how to define your own structure.
There are certain rules on how to set up the configuration file:
- Variables sheet. Variables are used in formulas to calculate quantity for each work-step. There are three types of variables:
- Project Variables ($variable) are used to describe project or company specific variables like asphalt density, waste factor, etc., that do not come from the model. It is important to take unit of measurement (UOM) into consideration when specifying values for the project variables. Start the variable name with "$".
- Automatically calculated variables ($$variable). Currently we support these automatically calculated variables: $$area, $$volume and $$each. Quantity is calculated automatically for those work-steps where variables $$area, $$volume or $$each are specified in the formula.
- Model-based variables ($$$variable). Any model/design measurement like length, height, etc., or element property can be used as a model-based variable in the quantity formula. You can specify a value for these variables in ConstructSim Modeling.
- Work-steps sheet. List all the cost codes and their work-steps in the Work-steps sheet. You will see these cost codes in the ConstructSim Modeling application and you can assign them to selected components. Children work-steps are assigned automatically. Quantity is calculated at the work-step level. Each cost code should have at least one work-step; multiple work-steps could be listed for the same cost code. Make sure to specify the code and the name for each item, otherwise an error occurs during file upload. Cost codes of the highest level are defined at the left side, while their children cost codes are defined at the right. Information about parent cost code should be repeated in every row for all work-steps associated with that cost code.
- Geometric extraction sheet. Geometric extraction is a surface of an object or the object itself. Assignments of cost codes are made based on geometric extractions meaning that a cost code can be assigned to either the whole object or its surface only. Specify geometric extraction Name for Object/ Element that is used in the "Work-Steps" Sheet. Do not modify or delete Object / Element Geometric Extraction (cell A8) as it will result as a failure during configuration file upload. Only Object / Element geometric extraction is supported in EAP.
- UOM sheet. List all units of measurement with abbreviations that are used in work-steps. This is important for correct and precise quantity calculation. All abbreviations should be unique. Two different “Unit Names” cannot have the same abbreviation. Do not modify, delete or add new Names of Length, Area and Volume units of measurement (column B) as it may result as a failure during configuration file upload. Abbreviations (column C) of Length, Area and Volume units of measurements can be changed. Other units used in work-steps formulas should be defined in UOM sheet as well. Specify ‘Custom’ classification in column A, leave Unit Name column empty and specify appropriate abbreviation in column C.
- Default sheets names are provided in the sample cost code configuration Excel file. Do not change sheets names as it might result in a failure during the configuration file upload.
Once the cost codes configuration file is prepared successfully, upload it to the SYNCHRO CONTROL website -> Administration -> Cost Code Configuration. SYNCHRO Modeler automatically downloads the cost code configuration from SYNCHRO CONTROL for the selected project.