Note: if an enhancement or defect has not been added to the program, log an Service request for that enhancement. The more requests logged per an enhancement, the quicker the CAE development team will add that feature to the program.
The following enhancements and defects have already been requested:
Bug 1453739
Undo / redo commands / buttons no longer function
Bug 889911:
Program crash on copy if model has a segment that starts at valve end
Bug 782853:
Copy/Paste: new pipe id is created on paste even same pipe id exist in model
Defect 759465:
Rotate dialog limits the angle to be 5 characters only
Enhancement 723766:
Dynamic analysis dialog: Pressing OK shall remove the unavailable support groups from response spectrum load sets
Enhancement 197854:
Copy / Paste piping with buoyancy loads
Enhancement 121179:
Add feature to use mouse in specifying rotate point.
Enhancement 101317: Tracker#: 1231
Rotate geometry, supports, local and global static loads
Enhancements Requests and Logged Defects