Q. Problem with AutoPIPE, how to debug the actual cause of a problem using WinDBG?

For special cases where the software failed to start normally or terminated abnormally:

Before doing anything else,  read the entire set of instructions to become familiar with the complete process.

After WInDBG software has been downloaded and Installed, perform the following:

      1) ***Important***, Reboot the computer

      2) Open WinDBG application - 

Go to Start button, type in "WinDbg" and press "Open" or "Run as Admin" option.

      3) After Starting the application, Select "File > Open Executable"

      4) Browse for executable file from folder where program was installed and press Open button.

AutoPIPE; browse for "autopipe.exe"  

Typically: C:\Program Files\Bentley\AutoPIPE 20xx\

AutoPIPE Vessel:  browse for "prodia2.exe" ...

Typically: :C:\Program Files (x86)\Bentley\Engineering\AutoPIPE Vessel_42\Saisie

Other: browse for *.exe file as needed...

      5) if message 'Save Information...' appears, press No button. 

      6) When ready press "GO" button.

      7) In just a moment, AutoPIPE should start automatically, use the application as usual until to error occurs or that the program crashes. Now, go to next step!

Note: in the background WINDBUG application is recording hundreds of lines of information related to exactly what is happening on your computer.

      8) Locate the WinDBG log window:

a. Select the WINDBG log window to make the current active window

b. Use Cntl+A to select all the text

c. Use Cntl+C to Copy the text

d. Open any text editor (ex. Notepad++, MS Word, etc..),

e. Use Cntl+P to Paste the text into the editor

f. Save the file as "WinDBG log file.TXT"

g. Send a copy of file to Bentley for review.

      9) Finally, press the "Stop Debugging" button and close the application


Note: The following is shown in WinDBG log after using Stop debugging command. and is not apart of the log file needed by Bentley development.

See Also

Use the WIX Toolset to extract contents of AutoPIPESetup.exe file which is a WIX Burns installer

AutoPIPE crashes when installing, how to get a log file?

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