02. AutoPIPE Results Grids or Output Reports are found to be Zero (0.00) or Blank


Applies To    
Product(s): AutoPIPE,  
Version(s): ALL  
Area: reports / results  
Original Author: Bentley Technical Support Group  


AutoPIPE: results are 0 / zero

Description: when viewing results in output report or results grids, values are blank or 0.00


One or more of the following may be affecting the results displayed in the Results Grids or on the Output Reports:

1. Confirm all Pipe property values are correct.

a. Review the Pipe Properties grid, are all the values correct?

b.Open the model in AutoPIPE, select Tools> Model input listing> check on all sub reports, and press OK button. In a few moments AutoPIPE Viewer will display the report, use the  Edit > Find feature to look for all occurrence of "NaN". Fix model with these suggestions

2. Confirm all Press/Temp data is correct.

3. Confirm all Bend data is correct

a. For bend having type "Close" must have cuts value. However, in one case, the value was blank / not present.

b. Update Bend data as needed. 

3. Suggest creating new folder on desktop, copy just the DAT fill into the new folder location, and process the model with AutoPIPE to create a new output report. Does this new output report resolve the issue? If yes, there is a problem with your server.

4. Axial force = 0 due to press & temp, the only time AutoPIPE will apply the P*A force is for expansion joint with pressure area value entered as non-zero. In all other cases, pressure is apply as strain, just like the case of temperature.

5. Thermal Stress = 0.00, pipe may not be restrained to cause a thermal stress (ex. drain leg on bottom of pipe, the results grid for Pressure, Bending, Axial force, Moments in/out and torsion are all 0.00).

6. Max displacement stress = 0.00.
Confirm the Press/Temp/PipeID tab, expansion values are greater than 0.00. Review the rest of the tab data for inconsistencies.

7. No displacements were produced in a simple straight pipe model under internal pressure.

a. Confirm Load> Static Analysis Sets> Modify an analysis set> "Calculate pressure extension cases, e.g. P1, P2, etc" is checked ON.

b. Also, under Tools> Model Options> Results> "Include axial force" is checked ON (see online help for the feature to be sure that you would like this option enabled for your analysis)

8. Hoop Stress = 0.00, see WIKI here.

9. SAM (Seismic Anchor Movement) analysis results are 0.00 for impose support displacement.

Confirm by default Load> Static Analysis Load Set number 1 should be analyzed. Actually found only 1 analysis set in the model where the only Analysis Set No. = 2, after resetting value = 1, re-run analysis, results were correctly displayed for all SAM cases.

10. Models with Beams, check all values used for Beam Section ID are all correct, i.e. >0

11. Confirm piping does not have rigid properties assigned, see WIKI here.

Tools> Combinations>

A. After analysis, verify Tools> Combinations> code/non-code tabs have actual combinations with correct settings.

Tools> Model Options>

 A. Under Tools> Model Options> General> switch the piping code temporarily to another code and switch back to reset results options, Reanalyze model and review results again.

B. Under Tools> Model Options> Results> "Include axial force" is checked ON (see online help for the feature to be sure that you would like this option enabled for your analysis)

C. Under Tools> Model Options> Results> "Design Pressure factor" is set to value > 0.00 (suggest default = 1.0) (see online help for the feature to be sure that you would like this option enabled for your analysis)

D. Under Tools> Model Options> Results> Confirm all values that are set to 0.00 is correct for your analysis. (see online help for the feature to be sure that you would like these settings as such for your analysis).

Output report:

A. When creating an output report, Results> output report> verify that more than "Results Summary", "Analysis Summary", and "Sorted Stresses" sub-reports are checked ON.

B. When creating an output report, Results> output report> verify that "Limit results to highlighted points" is Not checked; unless option was actually in use with a previous pipe selection.

A new enhancement has been logged, 875265, to add a warning when this option is enabled with out anything selected. 

C. When printing to PDF, confirm "All Pages" Options are selected and not "Custom Range/ Pages"

Model files:

A. Confirm the model's *.CMB file is > 0 bytes.

Code Specific

A.  Euro code hoop allowable is not calculated if temperature in the creep range and no Rp02t and Rp10t available (CAE-TR-8187). 

B. Using BS 7159 piping code, Hot design strain > 0.0.

Time History analysis Results

See WIKI here

See Also

Typical Comments, Questions, and Answers about AutoPIPE's Ouput Reports

Bentley AutoPIPE