Steps to Create Deployment Image for STAAD.Pro CE

Applies To
Version(s):CONNECT Edition (21.03.00.XXX) and later
Environment: ALL
Area: STAAD.Pro Download/Installation/Security/Performance
Subarea: Installation
Original Author:Abhisek Mandal, Bentley Technical Support Group

How do I create the deployment image / complete installation package for STAAD.Pro CE?

Steps to follow: 

1. Open the folder where you have downloaded the STAAD.Pro installation file (stpst210300XXen.exe).

2. Copy the path of this installation file.

3. Run this installation file with "/layout" command i.e., 

Copied Path\stpst210300146en.exe”/layout

4. The STAAD.Pro Installation Wizard opens. Default "Installation Directory" is C:\Program Files\Bentley\Engineering\STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition\. It is not recommended to change the default installation directory but the user can choose a different location, if required.

5. Accept the End User License Agreement and select "Next" button.

6. Select the appropriate "Deployment Image Setting" (Full UI Mode is recommended) and "Deployment Image Location". Select "Next" to continue.

7. It will bring to a page where the user can select the features of the program to be downloaded in the deployment image. Select "Layout" to continue.

8. Downloading process will start, wait for it to finish. Select "Finish" button to exit the STAAD.Pro installation wizard.

9. Check the "Deployment Image Location" as provided in step 6, all the files required for STAAD.Pro installation will be available here.

10. Run the STAAD.Pro installer (Setup_StaadPro64_xx.xx.xx.xx.exe) as highlighted above to install the application as per the settings saved during deployment image creation process.

You may click on the question mark located at the right top corner for any assistance related to the installation process. Once Layout Image folder is ready, you can keep it in any network drive or local drive and install STAAD.Pro as required. If you face any problem you may create a service request .

See Also

STAAD.Pro Help - Deployment Guide

STAAD.Pro Installation/Licensing Solutions