Exceptions.UnexpectedException error message

 Applies To 
 Version(s):Connect Edition
 Environment: N/A
 Area: STAAD.Pro Download/Installation/Security/Performance
 Subarea: Performance
 Original Author:Surojit Ghosh

Whenever STAAD.Pro Connect Edition version is launched, there is an error message as “Exceptions.UnexpectedException”. How to rectify this problem?

This error message indicates that there might be some problem with the installation of Bentley Structural Property Catalog. To rectify this problem, these steps should be followed –

  1. Close all STAAD.Pro applications.
  2. Go to Control panel > Programs and Features.
  3. Uninstall the following software –
    1. STAAD.Pro Connect Edition -x64
    2. Bentley SPC Server v8i SS4
    3. Bentley Structure Property Catalog v8i SS4 (if there are multiple files, uninstall all those versions)
  4. Save the setup file of STAAD.Pro CE in a local drive, right click on the setup file and select the option “Run as Administrator”
  5. Complete the installation and select proper license type. 

If this does not solve the problem, contact Bentley Technical support team.


Note: Same error message appears in the Physical Modeler mode if a new physical model is created. The above mentioned solution is also applicable to rectify this error.