Screen resolution problem for STAAD.Pro Connect for Windows 11

Applies To
Version(s):Connect Edition
Environment:Windows 11
Area:STAAD.Pro Download/Installation/Security/Performance
Original Author:Ranjana, Bentley Technical Support Group


I have the STAAD.Pro V and Windows 11 in the OS. I’m using a laptop with an external monitor. When using the external monitor, the screen window of the model appears bigger in relation to the interface and can't see buttons and sub windows screen looks unreadable. Example attached for 1920x1080 [125% scale] and using the laptop monitor 3840x2160 [250%] some buttons and label looks unreadable. Using the external monitor: 1920x1080 [125% scale]


This issue is very typical for high resolution or gaming PC’s. These steps are for windows 11 but I suppose it will work in earlier version of Windows.

Go to the .exe file of STAAD.Pro and right click > click Properties > select tab "Compatibility" > click "Change high DPI (Dynamic Package Integration) settings" > checkmark Override high DPI scaling behaviour > At "Scaling performed by" > select System (Enhanced) > click OK > open STAAD.Pro exe file > it will take a while but will open scaling everything correctly to the high resolution of the PC. If it does not work, choose "System" in the "Scaling performed by". As shown below



Now check with the resolution again .