ERR: Replaced missing MicroStation RSC font (font number)

 Applies To 
 Environment: N\A
 Area: Text
 Subarea: Fonts
 Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group


ERR: Replaced missing Microstation RSC font (font number).

Getting message: "Replaced missing Microstation RSC font (font number) " when opening a file.
Fonts does not appear correct when opening file.
How to get custom fonts from MicrroStation V7 to MicroStation V8?


The font that is in the file is not present in a resource file which is used by MicroStation V8.

MicroStation will replace the font while in this session when any fonts are not found.

Possible solutions:

Add location of font resouce (RSC) files to the configuration variable MS_SYMBRSC.
1. From Menubar, go to Workspace > Configuration [Configuration dialog opens].
2. Go to Category "Symbology".
3. Click "Select" [Select File List for Symbology Resources dialog opens]
4. Browse to and highlight the font resource (RSC) file(s).
5. Click "Add" [the path will be added to the list of search paths at the bottom of the dialog].

6. Close and choose to save the changes.
7. Restart MicroStation.

Note: This will cause all symbology search paths to look specifically to the file instead of searching the whole folder.

Use "Edit" instead of "Select" to manually type in the folder path and add \*.rsc to keep MicroStation searching whole folders instead of specific resource files.

Copy RSC files from V7 to V8:
1. Open Windows Explorer.
2. Browse to location of V7 fonts (default = ...(V7 installation)\bentley\workspace\system\symb\)
3. Copy font files (linestyles are in there also).
4. Browse to location of V8 symbology folder (default = ...(V8 location)\bentley\workspace\system\symb\).
5. Paste fonts in new location.
6. Restart MicroStation.

Use Font installer

Font installer can import fonts into current font resource files(.RSC).

However, it is recommended to use TTF and SHX fonts as they can read directly without any issues.

See Also

Other languages sources:
