How to add Custom Load Group to Leap RC pier Library

Document Information

Document Type: FAQ

Product(s): LEAP RCPIER/Substructure

Version(s): All

Original Author: Bentley Technical Support Group -VM

QUESTION: How to  add Custom Load group to Leap RC pier Library ?


If the user wants to add a new Custom Load group which is not part of the Default Load group then the user needs to follow these steps.

1) Once the RC pier is opened then the user needs to Click on Libraries option and from the Drop Down menu user needs to select Load group/Limit States option.  

2) The user can also Click on "Load Groups" Option on the Toolbar.

3) In the new window " Load Groups/Limit States", the user needs to click the ADD button.

4) The Program will show a default "Load Group/Limit State ??? " name in the dialog box.

5) The user needs to select "Load Group/Limit State ??? " and click on Modify/View button.

6) In the new "Edit Limit State (LRFD)" window the user needs to input the Name of the Limit State : for ex : SERVICE CUSTOM.

7) Under "Applicable" heading user needs to check the Service option user can provide a name under Label : for ex : CUSTOM

8) Then the user need to add Beta Factors to each Load ID: and click MODIFY.

9) Then the OK button needs to clicked.

8) The new Load Group ID will be Saved.

9) Finally the Library file should be Saved.

Please see the attached screen shots for more information.