Warning message -- "No Strength or Extreme Event Load Combination selected"

Document Information

Document Type: FAQ

Product(s): LEAP RCPIER/Substructure

Version(s): All

Original Author: Bentley Technical Support Group - VM

QUESTION: How to get rid of warning message saying " No Strength or Extreme Event Load Combination selected" when the user tries to click on Auto Design option to design the Cap/Column & Footing?


If the user tries to Auto Design the Cap in the Cap TAB and he/she gets a warning message "No Strength or Extreme Event Load combination Selected" then the issue is related to Load groups being selected in Loads TAB.

If the user has selected only Extreme event Seismic Group or just the Service Group and no Strength Group is selected then the user gets the warning message in Cap/Column and footing TAB.

To get rid of the warning message the user needs to select the Strength Group in the Loads TAB and then try to Auto Design the Cap then the warning message goes away.

Please see the attached screenshot for more information.