Web Plate strength due out-of-plane transverse load

Applies To
Product(s):RAM Connection
Version(s):Connect Edition
Area: RAM Connection
Subarea: Connection design
Original Author:Abhisek Mandal, Bentley Technical Support Group


What is the meaning of the failure "Web Plate strength due out-of-plane transverse load"??

This requirement is from the AISC 15th edition (AISC 360-16). Pages 9-14 to 9-16. It's a check of the column web (or in the case of an HSS column the face) for normal forces bending the support. As the required capacity is less that the actual demand the section is failing. Currently there is no option to pass that in RAM connection except changing the column section. But, you can manually calculate the required thickness and add some extra plate or other stiffening arrangement to make the connection pass locally for this criteria.