How to model eccentric column base plate in RAM Connection?

Applies To
Product(s):RAM Connection
Version(s):Connect Edition
Area: RAM Connection
Subarea: Connection design
Original Author:Abhisek Mandal, Bentley Technical Support Group


In RAM Connection how to model base plate with eccentric column?

In RAM Connection base plate can be assigned for eccentric column too. To accomplish this task, we need to choose analysis axis as Biaxial in the connection pad as shown below.

Once we choose this option, 2 fields will be available under members tab to provide input for longitudinal and transversal offset. These values will actually guide the position of column over base plate. 

Here, longitudinal offset defines the location of the column with respect to the geometric center of the base plate and the longitudinal direction thereof. Similarly, transversal offset defines the location of the column with respect to the geometric center of the base plate and the transverse direction thereof. These values are user input.

Once we provide some values in these field we can see arrangement like below.