Pier View and Span Number Rear to Current Pier

Document Information

Document Type: FAQ

Product(s): LEAP RCPIER/Substructure

Version(s): All

Original Author: Bentley Technical Support Group - VM

QUESTION: In RCpier program if the user selects Up station or Down Station option in the Abut/Pier Configuration Dialog Box, In the Superstructure Parameter Dialog Box what number should the user input in the span number Rear to current pier input box ?


Let’s assume for 3 Span bridge.

Abut/Pier View -- Up Station :

For the Abutment 1 the Span Number Rear to current Pier is = 0 .
For the Pier 1 the Span Number Rear to current Pier is = 1
For the Pier 2 the Span Number Rear to current Pier is = 2
For the Abutment 2 the Span Number Rear to current Pier is = 3

Abut/Pier View -- Down Station :

For the Abutment 1 the Span Number Rear to current Pier is = 3
For the Pier 1 the Span Number Rear to current Pier is = 2
For the Pier 2 the Span Number Rear to current Pier is = 1
For the Abutment 2 the Span Number Rear to current Pier is = 0

Please see the attached Screenshot.