DL Reaction for “Continuous Bridge Model”

Document Information

Document Type: FAQ

Product(s): LEAP RCPIER/Substructure

Version(s): All

Original Author: Bentley Technical Support Group - VM

QUESTION: If the user is trying to compute a DL reaction only for the slab  for a two span continuous superstructure bridge .  If he/she tries to auto generate the DL for the slab only using simple or “Continuous Bridge Model” then he/she gets the same reactions?   Can RC pier handle continuous superstructures?


When the slab is poured there is no continuity only the load is applied to the deck is treated as continuous model and since the slab concrete is fresh concrete, at this time the DL reactions are calculated and the slab is treated as simple span. This is the reason the program shows same reaction for both simple span as well as continuous span bridges.