User account to use to run this program?.

 Applies To 
 Environment: N\A
 Area: Configuration
 Subarea: General
 Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group


User account to use to run this program?

Getting the follow message dialog when starting MicroStation.

Run as "dialog"

Which user account do you want to use to run this program?

[bullet choice] Current User (<(><<)>user name here>)
[Check box] Protect my compter and data from unauthorized program activity

This option can prevent computer viruses from harming your computer or personal data, but selecting it might cause the program to function improperly.

[bullet choice] The following user:

User name: [field] v ...
Password: [field]

[OK] [Cancel]


Disable "Run with different Credentials".

This should correct it,
1. Open the properties of the MicroStation shortcut (right-click and select Properties).
2. Go to the shortcut tab.
3. Click Advanced.
4. In Advanced Properties.
5. Uncheck "Run with different Credentials".
6. Click OK.

This "should" disable the option to start the application under different credentials.

If this does not help, you will probably need to contact your IT staff to see if this was set somewhere else beyond the shortcut to start the application.