How to place Cells Points or Text at the location of multiple elements

 Applies To 
 Environment: N\A
 Area: Detailing Symbols
 Subarea: XYZ Text
 Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group


How to place Cells, Points or Text at the location of multiple elements


1. Make a selection set containing the elements. This can be done quickly with the Powerselector or the Select By Attributes tool.
2. Start the Export Coordinates tool and create a text file.
3. Select the Single button. This will export the coordinates of the elements in the selection set.
4. Start the Import Coordinates tool and set "Import" to Cell.
5. In the Cell field enter the name of the desired cell
6. Click the Process button and that cell will be placed at the origin of each element in the selection set that was created in Step 1.

Note: A Point Element or a piece of Text can be placed at the Element's origin with the steps above by using the appropriate "Import" method.

See Also