Member Tension And Combination Load Cases

 Applies To 
 Environment: N/A
 Area: Modeling Solutions
 Subarea: Loading
 Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group


I understand that one should use the REPEAT LOAD command and not the LOAD COMBINATION command when analysing a model for cases where the MEMBER TENSION or MEMBER COMPRESSION command has been used. Talking about load combinations, in Section 5.35 of the STAAD Technical Reference Manual, notes Item (2) mentions that the LOAD COMBINATION command is inappropriate for a PDELTA analysis, and that one should use REPEAT LOADs instead. This appears to be true for NON-LINEAR analysis also. Why?

Primary Load Cases

A primary load case is one where the load data is directly specified by the user in the form of member loads, joint loads, temperature loads, element pressure loads, etc. It is characterized by the fact that the data generally follow a title which has the syntax


where "n" is the load case number. For example,



2 UNI GY -3.4


10 FX 12.5



23 PR GY -1.2



15 17 TEMP 40.0 -25.0

Combination Load Case

Here, the user does not directly specify the load data, but instead asks the program to add up the results of the component cases - which are defined prior to the combination case - after factoring them by the user specified factors. It is characterized by the title which has the syntax


where "n" is the case number of the combination load case.


3 1.2 4 1.6 5 1.3


A Repeat Load type is a Primary load case. That is because, when the program runs into this command, it physically creates the load data for this case by assembling together the load information from all the component load cases (after factoring them by the respective load factors) which the user wants to "REPEAT". Thus, when you specify



4 1.4 5 1.7

STAAD creates a physical load case called 10 whose contents will include all of the data of load case 4 factored by 1.4, and all of the data of load case 5 factored by 1.7.
If we use the same data used in the definition of the primary load case above, STAAD internally converts the REPEAT LOAD case 10 to the following :



23 PR GY -1.68


15 17 TEMP 68.0 -42.5

What is the difference between a REPEAT LOAD case and LOAD COMBINATION?

The difference lies in the way STAAD goes about calculating the results - joint displacements, member forces and support reactions. For a load combination case, STAAD simply ALGEBRAICALLY COMBINES THE RESULTS of the component cases after factoring them. In the example shown above, it

gathers the results of load case 3, factors them by 1.2,

gathers the results of load case 4, factors them by 1.6,

gathers the results of load case 5, factors them by 1.3,

and adds them all together. In other words, in order to obtain the results of load 10, it has no need to know what exactly is it that constitues load cases 3, 4 and 5. It just needs to know what the results of those cases are. Thus, the structure is NOT actually analysed for a combination load case. With a REPEAT LOAD case however, the procedure followed is that which occurs for any other primary load case. A load vector {P} is first created, and later, that load vector gets pre-multiplied by the inverted stiffness matrix.

[Kinv] {P}

to obtain the joint displacements. Those displacements are then used to calculate the member forces and support reactions. Thus, the structure IS analysed for that load case {P}.

Why should the difference in the way STAAD treats a REPEAT LOAD case vs. a COMBINATION LOAD case matter? 

Normally, if you are doing a linear static analysis - which is what a PERFORM ANALYSIS command does - it should make no difference whether you specify REPEAT or COMBINATION. However, if you are doing a PDELTA analysis, or a NONLINEAR analysis, or cases involving MEMBER TENSION and MEMBER COMPRESSION, etc., it matters. That is because, in those situations, the results of those individual cases acting simultaneously IS NOT the same as the summation of the results of those individual cases acting alone. In other words,

(Results of Load A) + (Results of Load B) is not equal to (Results of Load (A+B))

Take the case of a PDelta analysis. The P-Delta effect comes about from the interaction of the vertical load and the horizontal load. If they do not act simultaneously, there is no P-Delta effect. And the only way to make them act simultaneously is to get the program to compute the displacement with both loads being present in a single load case. A REPEAT LOAD case achieves that. A COMBINATION load case does not.

Related Topic : The following wiki describes the process to convert a LOAD COMBINATION to a REPEAT LOAD

See Also

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