Changing/Adding Account Admin

Deciding between co-Administrator and Main Administrator Role -

 Differences between Main Administrator and a co-Administrator  - 

For a full breakdown of user role capabilities, see - User Management Roles (Breakdown of what Roles are for)


Basic User or Co-Administrator Assuming Role of Main Administrator

The ability to add a main administrator to an account is restricted to existing main Administrators and Bentley colleagues only. If all main Administrators is no longer with the organization, you must contact Bentley in order to effect a change of main site administrator.

 If you are a basic user or co-administrator and wish to assume the role of main administrator because the existing administrator has left the company:

If you are associated to the account: 

You have the ability to submit a service request - Creating a new Service Request (Licensing and User Administration)

You can see who your main administrator was/is - How do I find my Administrator?

Submit a new service request for the change of site administrator. When you receive an acknowledgement email from the service request, State your intention to become the new site administrator, and Cc your existing administrator (regardless of whether you know for certain they have left the company or not). 

Wait for notification that your request has been processed. 

If you are NOT Associated to the account: 

You do not have the ability to submit a service request. Please contact User Support Services via phone to enact the change - Contact Us


Main Administrator Adding a Co- Administrator 

If you are an Administrator you can change a user's role to make then a co-administrator. 

If the user is not yet listed as being with the company, go to User Management and add the user to the account - Managing Users (Add Users / User Approvals / Lock and Unlock Users / Delete Users)

Adjust user's roles, add the co-Administrator role - Managing Roles (Assign Roles / Manage Roles) 


Main Administrator Adding Another Main Administrator 

If you are an Administrator you can change a user's role to make then a main Administrator as well.

If the user is not yet listed as being with the company, go to User Management and add the user to the account - Managing Users (Add Users / User Approvals / Lock and Unlock Users / Delete Users)

 Adjust user's roles, add the Administrator and co-Administrator role - Managing Roles (Assign Roles / Manage Roles) 

See Also

New Administrators Guide

What's New in Bentley's IMS and User Management?

Other Language Sources

