How to update your Bentley profile information

Product(s):User Management portal
Area:How to update your Bentley profile email address


How to update my Bentley profile information, as my name, last name, email address.


If your email address, first name, and last name are grayed out, and thus un-editable, it is probably because your organization is federated with Bentley's IMS, and those details are set by your identity provider. Contact you organization's admin/IT department for help changing your profile details in your directory service, which will be then synced with and reflected in Bentley IMS.


Below process can be used to change/update details of one user, or of multiple users. 


To update your Bentley profile information your account administrator needs to log into the Bentley User Management portal - they can access it by selecting the User Management tile in the Subscription Services Portal

  User Management tile

1. Once User Management opens select the green Bulk Operations button and Update Users from the drop-down menu.

 Bulk Operations - Update Users

2. Select the option to download the sample file.

Select "Download Sample" hyperlink

3. Edit the sample file. The contents is only for informational purposes, hence delete all the records except the first one, which is the headers and is required. Enter only the information you are changing from and to, then save the file as .CSV.

4. Select the Bulk Operations button again and Update Users from the drop-down menu, and select the file saved in Step 3. 

Select "Select File"

5. Click Submit to submit the file and to change the details. The information will be changed - both in User Management and for your Bentley profile.

Example 1: Changing email address

To change the email address only, you will need to keep the first row (headers) untouched, in the second row enter data in the "CurrentEmail (required)" and in the "NewEmail (only required if changing email address)" columns - the remaining fields should be left blank.

Example of changing user's email address

Example 2: Changing Entitlement Country

To change the Entitlement Country only, you will need to keep the first row (headers) untouched, in the second row enter data in the "CurrentEmail (required)" and in the "EntitlementCountry" columns - the remaining fields should be left blank. For example, GB is for the United Kingdom, IN is for India, PL is for Poland.

Example of changing user's Entitlement Country

Please note: Access to Service Requests created with the old email address will be lost.

See Also

How do I find my Administrator 

Subscription Services Portal

User Management 2.0

Bulk Operations 2.0

Changing user(s) Entitlement Country

Other Language Sources


