Beam Annotation - Change Font and Turn Off Unit Display

 Applies To 
 Environment: N/A
 Area: Postprocessing workflow
 Subarea: N/A
 Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group

When I annotate beam moments on my diagrams, I can't seem to 1) change the font by adjusting the Beam Labels option and 2) turn off the unit being written on every single number.

Annotation labels, although applied to beams, nodes, plates and solids, are not altered by the associated options (i.e View | Display Options | Beam Labels). In order to change the display of the annotations, go to View | Display Options from the main menu and choose the Annotation tab. To remove the display of the units for each annotation, simply choose the option "123.4" instead of "123.4 kN" under the Style list box in the Annotation tab. This will write the unit in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen for force, length and moment.

If the units are not shown, go to Results | Structure in the Postprocessing workflow and choose the Labels tab. Check on the option "Show Diagram Info" under the General box.