What is the purpose of this information?
Roles are assigned by the Account Administrator or the Co-Administrator to provide each Registered User with specific access to Services. Below is a list of certain Administrative roles within User Management:
*Please note: While it is not a role that is listed on the "Modify Roles" list, a Fulfillment Contact is the person at an Organization who receives a notification of any new or updated license/entitlements from Bentley. The new User Management interface that was made available at the end of August, 2020, now allows any Account Administrator or Co-Administrator to add or remove a Fulfillment Contact. It is up to each Organization to manage the Fulfillment Contact list.
Administrator roles
Account Administrator: Organization's primary administrator assigned to add users, modify the role(s) of all existing users, manage software licenses, create / edit / delete projects.
- Add users
- Approve User Registration requests (Pending Approvals)
- Add or modify email domains related to your organization (claim ownership & Auto-Approve)
- Modify roles of all users
- Assign users to groups
- Create groups
- Lock/Unlock user's Sign In access
- Remove users associated to your organization
- Manage projects
- Access to Subscription Analytics
- Access to Entitlement Management
- Approve the setup of a federation or standalone MFA
Co-Administrator: Administrator assigned to add users, modify the role(s) of existing users, manage software licenses, and create / edit / delete projects.
- Add users (except Account Administrators)
- Approve User Registration requests (Pending Approvals)
- Modify roles of all users (except Account Administrators)
- Assign users to groups
- Create groups
- Lock/Unlock user's Sign In access (except Account Administrators)
- Remove users associated to your organization (except Account Administrators)
- Manage projects
- Access to Subscription Analytics reporting
- Access to Entitlement Management license management
- Approve the setup of a federation or standalone MFA
Group Administrator: Manage all users
- Add users
- Assign users to group(s) all users
- Create groups
- Lock/Unlock user's Sign In access for all users
Other available roles
- CONNECT Services Admin - Access the organization's CONNECTED Project Dashboard data, create and edit Connected Projects. It also grants access to the Subscription Analytics portal for generating usage reports.
Download - Download Bentley software from Software Downloads based on the organization's subscription and entitlement. This role is also required in order to receive application updates through the CONNECTION Client
Download SDKs and APIs - Allows users to download additional content from the Software Downloads including code and SDK's (requires "Download" role)
- Download Technical Previews - Access to pre-release of some or all capabilities of a software product or service, made available to organizations for feedback, evaluation, and planning purposes (requires "Download" role)
- LEARN Training Administrator - Create, manage, and assign learning to users within your organization, and add users via the LEARNserver
LEARNserver Instructor - Assigned to Instructors of Bentley classes
- Support Portal Admin - Designed for users who are not an administrator but require viewing and managing Cases opened by other users in their organization. This role can be assigned by an administrator and/or co-administrator.
- Support Restricted User - Designed to offer more controlled access to the Bentley Support Portal for specific users. This role can be assigned by an administrator and/or co-administrator.
Sunsetting roles
Beta Software Invite - Access to pre-release of some or all capabilities of a software product or service, made available to organizations for feedback, evaluation, and planning purposes (requires "Download" role)
License Manager - Manage legacy Bentley software licenses (pre-XM only) and view hosted or deployed licensing key(s) via License Manager (Wiki)
License Manager - Home Use - Manage legacy Bentley software licenses (pre-XM only), view hosted or deployed licensing key(s), and generate a home usage license via License Manager (Wiki)
- Product Delivery - DVD - Request a DVD of Bentley software from Software Downloads based on the organization's subscription and entitlement
- Webshop User - Does not provide any special access but denotes users who registered with Bentley via a web registration form
See Also
Managing Roles
Other Language Sources