How to Change all elements to zero elevation when saving to DWG file.

 Applies To 
 Version(s):V8, V8i and Coonect
 Environment: N\A
 Area: DWG
 Subarea: Save
 Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group


How to Change all elements to zero elevation when saving to DWG file.

Product: MicroStation V8, V8i and Connect
Version: All
Area: DWG



Go to DWG > Save options under the General tab, under "Advance" select
option to "Force Zero Z coordinate". The resulting DWG entities will
have z-coordinates of zero value.

This should only be used to save a 3D DGN file that represents a 2D drawing but in which some geometry may
contain non-zero values in their z-coordinate.

To set this by default create the variable:


and set this to 1. Otherwise, it is off by default.

See Also

Other Language Sources
