Enlarge/stretch an object or group of elements without scaling every element

 Version:V8i (SELECTseries 3)

How can an object (group of elements or cell) be increased in size or enlarged without scaling every element that makes up the cell / group in all directions


For example, a door symbol (see image below) used in drawings could be made up of two rectangles and an arc (group together). It may be desired to increase the size of the door symbol but maintain the width of the rectangles so it is consistent. Is this possible?

Steps to Accomplish

  1. Taking the Stretch tool, drag an box around a the right hand vertical rectangle, taking in the part of the arc and the bottom right hand side of the horizontal rectangle
  2. Snap to the bottom right hand corner
  3. After snapping, the Accudraw compass (green and red) should appear
  4. Move slightly to the right and hit Enter, this constrains the movement to the X axis
  5. Type in a distance value (100 is used in this example)
  6. Left click to complete command, the object should stretch to the right and will look non symmetrical at this point
  7. Now, using the Stretch tool again, place a box around the bottom rectangle, again, taking in the part of the arc and the bottom right hand side of the vertical rectangle
  8. Snap once more to the bottom right hand corner of the object
  9. After snapping, the Accudraw compass (green and red) should appear again
  10. Move slightly down and hit Enter, this constrains the movement to the Y axis
  11. Type in the same value as step 5 (100) and left click to complete command 

See video attached below to demonstrate this:


See also

Other language sources

 Original Author:Conor King