How to save only model or sheet model when saving to DGN

 Applies To   
 Environment: N\A 
 Area: DWG 
 Subarea: Save As 
 Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group 



How to save only model or sheet model when saving to DGN.
When converting DWG to DGN is there a way to get rid of model space or paper space in order to have a native DGN only?

Product: MicroStation
Version: V8/V8i
Area: DWG-Save


There is an option in the save "Options" when saving to DGN.

Go to the Filter tab under the options settings and click on the filter button.

By default both modes are selected (model space and layout).

Deselect the one that you do not want to save to DGN and only the one select will be in the DGN file created by the save process.

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