How do I deactivate the additional modules in STAAD.Pro

 Applies To STAAD.Pro
 Product(s):STAAD.Pro V8i & STAAD.Pro CE
 Version(s): and later
 Environment: All
 Area: General Solutions
 Subarea: Configuration Settings
 Original Author:Payel Sasmal

Problem Description

I am accidently using STAAD.Pro Advanced Analysis Engine, STAAD.beava (Bridge Codes), STAAD Planwin and RAM Connection and I’m getting invoice for the usage. Can these be deactivated within STAAD.Pro?


To avoid using STAAD.Pro Advanced Analysis Engine, STAAD.beava and Building Planner (STAAD Planwin) follow the steps as mentioned below.

For Connect Edition:

On the CONNECT Edition Open screen, in the lower right corner, make sure that the check boxes are unchecked if you do not want to utilize any of the additional modules.

For V8i Version:

To avoid using the RAM Connection license, follow the steps as mentioned below.

On the CONNECT Edition Open screen, in the lower right corner, make sure that the RAM Connection box is unchecked if you do not want to utilize a RAM Connection License.

See Also

Tips for Using RAM Connection within STAAD.Pro [TN].

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