Why does the program give some strange numbers when the joints are generated graphically

 Applies To 
 Environment: N/A
 Area: General Solutions
 Subarea: Configuration Settings
 Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group

Why does the program give some strange numbers when the joints are generated graphically by e.g. copying. We enter a number that has no decimals (7.00m) and in the input file the coordinate is 7.0001.

In STAAD.Pro, there is a concept called a Base Unit system. There are 2 options under this : The English or Imperial units (Foot Pound, etc.) and Metric units (meter, kg, etc.)

The base unit is set at the time of installation of the program. Once it is set, you can see what the setting is, as well as change it, by starting the program, going to the Configure -> General menu, and then choosing Base Unit.

If your base unit setting happens to be inconsistent with the units in which you create the model, that will cause the type of problem you mention. For example, if the base unit system is English, and you create the model using Meter and Kg unit, it will cause numbers to be not rounded.

You can rectify it by setting the Base Unit to be consistent with your working units through the Configure -> General option we just described above.

Some more information on changing the Base Unit system in STAAD.Pro can be found here: Changing the Base Unit Settings in STAAD.Pro - RAM | STAAD | ADINA Wiki - RAM | STAAD | ADINA - Bentley Communities