How to set the right/left buttons of a mouse to Dynamic Pan

 Version:V8i, CONNECT Edition


How to set the right/left buttons of a mouse to dynamic pan.


Starting with MicroStation V8 XM Edition...

1. Open MicroStation XM/V8i with any design and go to Workspace > Button Assignments. 
 (In MicroStation CONNECT Edition File > Settings > User > Button Assingments)

2. Click the Remap Buttons radio button.

3. In this dialog box select XButton 1 (this is the button assigned to pan drag in the previous window)

4. In the Button Definition Area click the right and left mouse buttons at the same time. The XButton 1 invoked by section should change to Left Button - Right Button Chord.

5. Click OK on this and next dialog box to save.

See also

Other language sources

 Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group