How to edit and delete custom Line Style(s) from a DGNLIB

 Area:Custom Linestyles

How to edit or delete a custom Line Style from a Library ( *.dgnlib ) file


The Line Style Editor is used for the creation and editing of custom Line Styles from resource files *.rsc, but can also be used to Import / Export custom Line Styles contained within library files *.dgnlib.

Care should be taken when editing configured *.dgnlib files and you should consult with your Site Administrator before making any changes.

Steps to Accomplish


  1. Open the library (*.dgnlib) file containing the custom Line Styles

  2. Open the Line Style Editor ( Element > Linestyle > Editor )

  3. From the Line Style Editor dialog select File > Export From DGN and save them to a new resource file *.rsc file of your choice. ( for this example exported.rsc)

  4. From the Line Style Editor dialog select File > Open and open the *.rsc file created in Step 3 (exported.rsc)

  5. Use the Line Style Editor to carry out changes to the custom Line Styles and remove any that are no longer required and Save the changes and select File > Close from the Line Style Editor dialog.

  6. To import the edited Line Styles back into the *.dgnlib, from the Line Style Editor dialog select File > Import > MicroStation Resource File (RSC) browse to and open the Resource file containing the edited Line Styles ( exported.rsc )

  7. From the Select Linestyles to Import dialog, select the Line Style(s) to import and Select Import

If the styles already exist in the opened dgnlib it is possible to overwrite those line styles with the same name should you wish to do so. Note this may have adverse effects to other users who need or have used these line style(s). It may be more appropriate to create a new *.dgnlib file and import the required custom Line Styles especially if wishing to remove some from the existing *.dgnlib.


See Also