How to update modified DGN Dimension Style to reflect DGNLIB standard

 Subarea:Dim Styles

How to update modified dimension styles in a DGN to reflect those defined in the configured company standard DGNLIB file.


When a designer places a dimension in a DGN using a Dimension Style that has been predefined in a DGNLIB file the Dimension Style is copied to the DGN. Thus, if the Designer then edits the this Dimension Style, they are editing the local copy stored in the DGN so it's no longer in sync with the DGNLIB.

The Dimension Style dialog shows a Dimension Style is out of sync with the configured DGNLIB Dimension Style with a blue Triangle.


Steps to Accomplish

Option 1 Update the Dimension Style from the Dimension Styles Dialog

  1. Open the Dimension Styles Dialog (Element > Dimension Styles)
  2. Select the 'Update From Library' tool on the Dimension Styles Dialog


Option 2 Update the Dimension Style using a Keyin

  1. Open the Key-In dialog (Utilities > Key-In)
  2. Enter the keyin 'dgnlib update dimstyles'

See Also

Other Languages Sources
