Remap all elements to ByLevel in Save As process



How to remap all elements to ByLevel in the Save as V8 DGN or Save as DWG process.



1. Open a DGN/DWG file
2. File>Save As
3. Choose the Options button in the bottom right hand corner of the Save As dialog box
4. Click the Browse button and create CSV file
5. In the CSV file go to the Color Worksheet (assuming you would like to remap all elements to ByLevel Color)
6. In the Color column enter %unmapped
7. In the V8OutputColor column enter %bylevel
8. Repeat steps #6 and #7 in the LineStyles and Weights Worksheets, as desired.
9. Save the file and exit or close Excel
10. Toggle ON the Apply Line Style Mapping, Apply Color Mapping, and/or Apply Weight Mapping fields
11. Save the file to a new location OR to a new name (you cannot overwrite the existing file)

Note - You can also run this process on multiple files with the Batch Converter.

See also

Other language sources

 Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group