Spaces appear as fractions in word processor


Problem Description

When I place text and add two spaces the space appears a 1/64 fraction.


The "1/64" character represents a non-breaking space in Unicode format and therefore will appear when placing two spaces in the word processor. This problem seems to be ocur when the upgrading of Interenet Explorer to IE9 or IE10 when using MicroStation V8i Select Series 2(

Steps to Resolve

Option 1 Upgrade to MicroStation V8i Select Series 3

This problem does not occur in verion and higher.

Option 2 Roll Internet Explorer 9 back to previous version

For instructions on this go to the following link:

Option 3 Work around


1. Go to Workspace>Configuration

2. In Workspace configuration dialog click on the New button

3. In the "New Configuration Variable" dialog type in MS_WORD_PROCESSOR_DISPLAY_RSC_USING_DEFAULT_FONT

4. Set the value to "1"

5. Click on OK button and then click on the Yes button to save the new variable

6. Close and re-open current design file so that the new configuration file setting can then be loaded

See also

Other language sources

 Original Author:Reginald Wallace